Chapter 9

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Rubys pov
"Uncle charlie I'm home." I called walking in the house.

"How was your trip to see your friends?" Uncle Charlie asked

"Pretty good" I lied. Uncle charlie doesn't know I was with bella. Because he doesn't know Bella's back. I lied and said I was going back to New Orleans to see my friends.

"Just pretty good" He ventured.

"Yes. Now are you going to give me a hug or not?" I laughed as Uncle Charlie came over and huged me.

"It was so quite without you here" Uncle Charlie whined. I giggled.

"I'm going upstairs to unpack" I noted.

"Ok I'm going to work see you this afternoon." Uncle Charlie said kissing my forehead.

"Bye uncle Charlie"

"Bye" He soke walking out the door. I walk up stairs and put my stuff away.

"Hey beautiful" I heard behind me. I jumped.

"Seth. Omg. Don't sneak up on my like that."

"Sorry" He smiled, walking up to hug me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as we hugged. I still feel the sparks every time we touch.

"I thought maybe we could spend the day together"

"Mmm I think I can manage to fit you into my schedule" I said sarcastically.

"Perfect let's go" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming, don't break me."

"So where are we going?" I asked as we walked out the door.

"The beach" He replied smiling widley

"Okay what are you so smiling about?"

"Nothing. Just happy to be with you" Seth confirmes as we walked to the beach Seth and I talked about ourselves.

"So she threw up on you?" Seth asks talking about when I snuck Hope to a theme park.

"Not just me. Everyone on the ride and that's not even the worst part"

"How is that not the worst part?"

"Her mum showed up and we got grounded. I didn't even think she could do that to me but she did. And she made us eat salad every night for dinner for a week." I complained and seth laughed.

"Hey are you sure this is the way to the beach?" I asked looking around.

"Not to the main beach. This leads to my spot"

"Your spot?"

"Yeah I've never showed anyone before"

"But your showing me" I pointed out.

"Its our first date I want it to be special"

"Your so cute" I smiled. Tapping his cheek, with my pointer finger.

"Close your eyes" Seth demanded kindly.


"Trust me" He urged. I closed my eyes.

"Don't let me fall" I said as he grabbed my hands and started walking with me.

"Never" He said. We walked a little further

"Open" I opened my eyes and looked around.

"Its beautiful" I gasped.

"The most beautiful thing I ever saw until I met you" Seth says. I smiled and turned to him, only then did I notice how close we really where. Our faces only inches apart. Seth leaned closer as did I until our lips touched. Fireworks where going off in my stomach. Sparks everywhere he touched me. It was perfect.
When we pulled away seth and I smiled at each other.

Third person
Bella's hair slowly thicken, her body filling out and healing, flashbacks of her life all the way to her parents holding her as a child, are shown. then we see Bella's face as her eyes pop open to reveal VAMPIRE EYES.

Aro's POV
Bianca brings the three Volturi a message on a silver platter, I take the message.

"Oh, its from Carlisle. Which is spelt with and S, sweet Bianca." I said. I motion for my guards who appear beside Bianca. I read the message.

"He's added a new member to his coven."

"Increasing his power." Caius hissed. Suddenly my guards drag Bianca away as she screams.

"First it's the spelling, then the grammar." I said. I hand the message to Marcus.

"At least our dispute with the Cullens is over." Marcus spoke.

"Over? Goodness, no. Our dispute goes far beyond the fate of a mere human."

"And what might it be?" Caius said

"Why, brother, I thought you understood. They have something I want."

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