Chapter 6

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Ruby's pov
"So how long have you been an alpha?" Seth asked me.

"A year. I got turned the year before."

"Who turned you?" Sam asked.

"An alpha named Jackson Kenner. I got in a car accident the bite saved me. He's dead now. Vampires killed him."

"Does bella know about this?" Jacob asked.

"No, but I'm pretty sure Edward knows I'm something, considering I cracked his hand."

"You cracked his hand?" Jacob laughed.

"Yeh he had to know if he killed bella I would be able to break him."

"She a keeper" Jacob said to Seth .

"I know" he smiled.

Bella's pov.
"Bella, these are our housekeepers, Gustavo and Kaure." Edward introduced pointing to a man and a women.

"This is my wife Bella. Well, I guess we just leave them to it." Edward stated looking at the horrified faces of the female housekeeper.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"She's afraid for you." Edward explained.


"Because I have you here all alone."

"You mean she knows about you?"

"She suspects. She's native Ticuna. They have legends about blood-drinking demons who prey on beautiful women." He kisses me and as they are kissing the housekeepers walk in on them looking shocked.

*time skip to throwing up in the bathroom*

"Bella?" Edward called.

"Hey, don't come in here. You don't need to see this." I said He walks into the bathroom and kneels in front of me.

"ln sickness and health, remember?"

"It must have been the chicken. Could you grab my bag?" I asked. He gets me bag and brings it to me. I see my box of Tampax and pause to think.

"What is it?" Edward asked

"How many days has it been since the wedding?"

"Fourteen. Why? Will you tell me what's going on?"

"I'm late. My period, it's late" I say as I walk over to the mirror and look at my stomach seeing it being a little bigger than before.

"That's impossible" Edward gasped.

"Can this happen?" I asked Suddenly I feel movement in my stomach. Suddenly the phone rings I talk to Alice on the phone.

"Bella? Are you all right?"

"I'm not 100% sure."

"Why? What's wrong? I just..." Alice trailed off.

"You just what? Alice, what did you see?"

"Here's Carlisle." Alice stated.

"Bella, what's going on?" Carlisle asked.

"I don't know. I'm a little worried. Can vampires go into shock?" I asked considering Edward hasn't moved since I looked at my stomach

"Has Edward been harmed?"

"No. I know that it's impossible, but I think that I'm pregnant." I said when Suddenly I feel another movement in my stomach "Whoa! Carlisle, I swear, something just moved inside me."

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