Chapter 4

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^Wedding outfit above^

Ruby's pov
"Come on Bella introduce me to someone that isn't in Edwards family" I whined walking up to her bored of the ancient way Carlisle talks.

"Another one of your gifts just arrived." Edward announced walking up to bella
"What?"'she asked

"Yeah, come on." Edward spoke.

"Bella don't you dare leave me with nobody to talk too." I whisper shouted.

"Okay" she agreed grabbing the closest person to her and quickly saying.

"Seth, Ruby, ruby, Seth." Before leaving with Edward

"Jee thanks" I mumbled watching her walk away.

"Hi" I heard the boy say so I turned to look at him. When I look into his eyes It's like gravity moves suddenly. It's not the earth holding me here anymore, it's him. Nothing else matters. Just me and him. I would do anything; be anything for him. He's my imprint. I can tell by the way he's looking at me I'm his too.

"Hey, I'm Ruby" I grinned, still a little awestruck, holding my hand out for him to shake.

"Hi I'm Seth" He smiled goofely, obviously awestruck too judging on how his mouth hit the floor. He's very cute. When our hands touched all I could feel were sparks. We finished shaking hands but I'd didn't let go of his hand and he didn't let go of mine. It just felt so right holding each other's hands. We stood there holding each other's hand until we heard a voice out by the woods.

"Are you out of your mind? Huh? You'll kill her!" We rush to see what's happening

"Walk away, Jacob." Edward snarled.

"Enough, Jacob! " I tall tan guy says to Jacob.

"Stay out of this, Sam." Jacob argued. Seth steps in front of me to make sure I'm not in danger.

"You're not gonna start something that we'll have to finish" Sam growled.

"She'll die." Jacob seethed.

"She's not our concern anymore. Let's go, Seth!" Sam ordered. I gather he's the alpha. Sam and the other werewolves leave Jacob and Seth reluctantly follow them.

"Bye Ruby" Seth said softly

"Bye" I replied

"I'm really, really, really stupid." Bella mumbled.

"No, it's all right. Come on, people are probably missing us. Let's go back." Edward comforted.

"No your stupid. I was talking to Seth." I joked.

"Sorry Ruby" bella laughed.

"It's ok I'll talk to him on our date" I assured.

"Your going on a date with him?" Bella questioned.

"No yet, but I will" I said giggling and walking back to the reception. Bella looked at me laughing as I walked away from her.

*skip to Bella and Edward leaving*

"So, he really won't tell you where he's taking you?" Aunty Renee asked

"No, it's a surprise." Bella replied.

"Well, wear a hat. Sunscreen. Take care of yourself." Aunty Renee spoke smothering Bella.

"I will."

"Okay. I love you, Bella."

"I love you"

"Please tell me your underwear at least matches your bra"I butted into the beautiful moment.

"Ruby" Aunty Renee scolded before turning to bella. "Do they?"

"Omg yes would you two shut up now" bella said looking back at Edward who was laughing.

"Bye bella" I smirked

"Dad" bella said

"Well... It's gonna be strange, you not living under my roof." Uncle Charlie spoke.

"Yeah. It's gonna be strange for me, too."

"You know it will always be your home, right?" He asked.

"Me to. I'm living there now I won't be going anywhere" I butted in once again.

"Your staying?" Bella asked.

"Yep you better get used to having me around. I'm probably going to turn your room into a closet"

"I love you, Dad. Forever." Bella sighed as She hugs Charlie.

"I love you, too, Bells. I always have and I always will. All right. Go on. You don't wanna miss your plane. Wherever it's going." Uncle Charlie rushed trying not to cry in front of Bella.

"Okay. Bye." Bella responded.

Bellas pov
The next morning after Edward and I made love, I stand,in front of a mirror remembering the previous night

"How badly are you hurt?" Edward asked

"What?" I replied He shows me the bruises on my arm but I turn.

"No, Bella, look.' Edward ordered He pulls my robe down my shoulder and shows me the bruises on my shoulder.
"Bella, I can't tell you how sorry I am."

"I'm not. Really, I'm not. I'm fine. Edward"

"Don't say you're fine. Just don't."

"No, you don't. Don't ruin this."

"I've already ruined it."

"Why can't you see how perfectly happy I am? Or was five seconds ago. I mean, now I'm sort of pissed off, actually."

"You should be angry with me. Bella"

"I mean, we knew this was gonna be tricky, right? I think we did amazing. I mean, it was amazing for me." I worried.

"That's what you're worried about? That I didn't enjoy myself?" He asked.

"I know it's not the same for you, but for a human, I can't imagine that it gets any better than that."

"Last night was the best night of my existence."

"You're the best." I said we kiss for a bit but Edward eventually pulls himself away. "You're not gonna touch me again, are you?" I asked He touches my face.

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Let me make you breakfast. " He says as he walks away from me.

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