Chapter 6

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" Just sit here I will be right back," she said and went.

I just looked around, and I was waiting for her. Then I saw her coming with a glass of juice and an ointment in her hand.

She came and handed me the glass and the ointment. I thanked her.

"Take care ill see you later. " With that she left with a smile on her face.

I drank the juice and kept the ointment in my bag. I went to my desk and did all my work. I went inside Mr Vincent's cabin and kept the files on the table. I just ding want to make eye any contact with him. And was about to leave. Then I heard his voice.


I turned round and saw him. He didn't make eye contact with me.

"In Chicago we have a meeting. So we need to go for a week. Book 4 tickets and start packing we are going leaving tomorrow."

"4 tickets? ,"

"Yes or do you want to go with me alone?" . I just looked at him shocked. Did he just said that. Nothing was coming out of my mouth. I just stood there silent.

" You may leave now,".

I went out of his cabin. How should I tell my mother she will never leave me? I should go without telling her.

I booked the tickets gathered all my things and left for home.

I had my dinner, then I had to do my packing. I went upstairs to my room then realised that my suitcase was in the storeroom down near my mother's room. I waited on the stairs for my mother to get into her room.

As soon as I heard her door closing I went down slowly making no noise.

I went into the storeroom took the suitcase and went upstairs, started my packing I was done in half an hour then I went to sleep.

Next morning I woke up little earlier. I have to hide my bag, before my mother wakes up.

I went down slowly opened the main door and kept my bag outside the house in a corner where nobody could see it. I went back in took a shower and changed into a pair of white skinny jeans and a pink top. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, had my breakfast.
I just knocked on my mother's door and told her I am leaving for office, I don't know how will she react when she gets to know that I went with my boss to Chicago.

I reached the office in about 15mins and went to Mr. Vincent's cabin. I saw Mr. Vincent, Shawn and the girl who helped me that day, Chloe I remembered her name. They surprised me that they were also coming with us because they had there suitcases with them.

I just stood there looking at them when I heard someone speak.

"Hey Anna what are you doing here? ,"
I was about to answer her but got interrupted when Mr. Vincent said" She is my assistant. "

" O Wow that's great that means you are coming with us. We will have lots of fun," she beamed at me.

I smiled looking at her enthusiasm. It made me happy and relieved that she would be with me during the trip and i wouldn't have to deal with Mr. Vincent alone.

"It's a business trip Chloe" says Mr. Vincent annoying.

She sighed and winked at me.

I just shook my head at her childish behavior.

" I think we should leave now,". Shawn said interrupted.

With that we left for the airport.

We reached the airport on time. We had one hour left for the flight. We took our boarding passes and wend into the waiting area. I started feeling nervous because this is my first time traveling in a plane.

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