Date with Liam..??

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Maha P.O.V

After pondering on the thought of Liam and Stella together.

Here I am sitting in the coffee shop waiting for one of my group mate or my girl friend's future boyfriend.

When we left the college I was restless. I had forgotten about everything the only thing going around my mind was how to set up Stella with Liam.

Stella will never admit her feeling towards him infront of anyone else. It was impossible for me to convince her about proposing Liam.

So I had pinged Liam and told him to meet me in our usual coffee shop. Where we used to hangout after college. I will miss this place. Speacially when I will be getting totured at my home.

"Hey Maha." Liam casually walked towards me.

"Hi" I greeted him. We took our seats.

"You look good in blue you should wear it more often girl." Liam complimented me. He love it when I wear blue God knows why.

"You dont look bad yourself..!!" I said blushing furiously. It was not like he had complimented me for the first time. But this time we are alone.

Soon after we sat the waitress approached us. She was looking drop dead gorgeous with her blonde locks resting on her shoulder. But Liam seemed unfazed by her beauty. He was busy staring at me.

"Hi, My name is Emily. What will you like to order..??" She looked kinda disappointed by not getting any attention from the handsome man sitting infront of me.

"Plain black coffee for me and cold coffee with less sugar for the beautiful lady here." He smiled sweetly at the poor waitress who looked annoyed. She looked at me in disgust and walked away.

Liam burst out laughing. I was glaring at him but my lips twiched upwards without my permission soon I joined him.

"That was really bad of you Liam..!!" I said gaining my composer back.

"Anything for make you smile Mi lady." He smiled at me. Blush started to form on my cheeks.

"Shut up you duffer. " he just chuckled.

"So...why the sudden urge of meeting this hopeless guy..??? Is it a date..??" He asked me with a smirk.

"No..!!its anything but a date..!!" I looked at him bewildered.

"Then what is it..??" He fake pouted making me go nervous.

"I dont know if it is my place to tell you or not." I started rambling.

"What happened Maha..??? Is their anything bothering you..??" He asked concerned.

"No..!! Actually yes. I mean...Stella likes...ou know Stella..."

"Come on Maha I am not gonna eat you." God knows why the hell I was nervous its not like I am telling him to marry me or something.

"You know Stella likes.." I was cut off by the waiteress. She left after serving our orders.

"Whats up Maha please say what about Stella you are making me worried now...!!" Liam said annoyed.

"She likes you" I blurt. Liam spit his black coffee and coughed.

"Sorry" he muttered getting back his composer.

"Look Maha, she is just my good friend. I dont have any feelings for her. I dont know from where the hell she got the idea of this all stupidity.." I cut him off.

"This is not stupidity love is not stupid Liam..!!" I snapped at him.

"It is stupid. Love dont even exist it is the useless word you can never get the person you love...!!!"

"If the love is true no one can seprate you from that person...!!!"

"You loved Uwais what the hell it gave you except pain.. betrayal heck he had already moved on..!!" He was yelling furiously. People were throwing daggers in our way like I care.

"I dont care about what he did to me...He had used me for a bet he never loved me..!! But Stella she do loves you Liam.." I tried to change his view on love.

"I too loved you Maha..." this made my heart froze. My heart started beating 1000× per sec.

"Its different" I whispered lowly.

"How can it be different Maha..??" He urged me to explain.

"You dont know dont know my dont know anything about me Liam.." tear slipped my eye when i thought about my home.

"I wanna know about you Maha please tell me what can I do that you will acept me. Please Maha I am even ready to convert.."

"Are you gone mad..!! What do you think about my is not just about is about your is about what you feel in your heart and is all about the one who had created should not be done for his creation... converting to islam should be done when you believe in the oneness of Allah the Almighty. Islam is not a game Liam.." I snapped at him.

"I am sorry I didnt know." He looked ashamed of what he just said. So I let it go.

"You know Liam love is not when you get that person by your side for the life time. But the love is when you love that person and all you want is to see him/her happy. No matter with whom he/she is. Thats why always love the person who loves you not the one who you love." He was listening to me intently.

"I love Uwais. I did from whole of my heart. I know I will never get him to love me back and I dont even want him to love me back. It will be a lie if I say I had moved on. Because I can never move on from him. May be when I get married I will fall for my husband. Its all upon Allah what he decided for me. In shaa Allah I hope everything will be in my favour one day." I had never spoken this much in my whole life.

"I will try Maha. I need to know her first." I did a happy dance on my seat.

"You know what you are the best Liam" He chuckled at my childish behaviour.

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