Did He Say Wife?

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Sunlight pouring through the window woke Sandor. He immediately felt the stiffness in his back and neck as he sat up and stretched, popping all of his joints. "You wouldn't be so sore if you'd slept in the bed with me," a soft, weak voice grabbed his attention. His brown eyes flew open and met Aurora's smiling face. "Yer awake and alive!" Aurora laughed before hissing in pain. "Well that was fun. I think next time you tell me to stay put, I might listen."

Aurora carefully maneuvered herself into sitting position and placed her hand on Sandor's shoulder. She could see the worry and exhaustion in his eyes. "You need proper sleep. Get in," Aurora told him, gesturing to the other side of the bed. Sandor did as she asked, climbing in the bed carefully so he wouldn't jostle her too badly. Once he was settled, Aurora put her head on his chest, not caring that their clothes were still stained with blood and dirt.

After several moments of comfortable silence, Sandor said, "There won't be any more battles fer me. I won't put ya in danger like that again." Aurora shifted her head so she was looking up at him. "I put myself in danger, Sandor. Not you." He grunted. "Don't care. I won't have my wife puttin' herself in that position again." Aurora's eyes went wide. Sandor had said wife. He wanted to marry her?

"Wife?" she asked, picking herself up to rest on her hand slowly so to not pull the stitches in her side. "If ya will have me. I've nearly lost ya more times than I can count and I ain't lettin' it happen again. I want ta be able ta protect ya better. So, will ya have me? Be my wife?" Aurora smiled before leaning in to connect their lips in a sweet kiss. "Of course I will. I love you," she whispered. Sandor couldn't keep the smile off his face as Aurora moved to once again rest her head on his chest.

The door opened a few minutes later and Sansa came in. "Aurora! You're awake!" The young woman in question grinned. "I am." Sandor helped her to sit up as Sansa came over to her side of the bed and hugged her gently. "I'm so happy. I don't even know if Arya is alive so you and Jon are all that is left of my family," Sansa whispered. Aurora gave her a squeeze. "It's good to see you, Sansa."

Sansa pulled away. "How does it feel to be home for good, Lady Stark?" Aurora asked, jokingly. "It feels wonderful and, as soon as you are able, I will escort you through Winterfell. Show you everything there is to see." Aurora laughed and agreed. She looked at Sandor, who nodded once. He didn't really want the attention, but agreed Sansa should know about their recent betrothal.

"Sansa, when I am well, do you think you could find a septon? That's the word, right?" she asked, making Sansa and Sandor chuckle. "Of course, but whatever for?" Another glance exchanged between Aurora and Sandor and Sansa knew the answer. "You are to marry?! That is wonderful!" Sansa hugged Aurora again, this time a little too excitedly. "Ouch." Sansa flinched and backed away. "I'm sorry." Aurora waved it off. "I will let you rest. Jon and I have plans to restore Winterfell and, as for Ramsay Bolton, I have plans for him." The darkness in her voice frightened Aurora a bit.

Once she was gone, Aurora cuddled back into Sandor, surprised the large man was as into cuddling as he was. Maybe it was just because she'd nearly died. Whatever the reason, she certainly wasn't complaining. Just before they both fell asleep, Aurora heard Sandor whisper his love for her once again before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.


(a/n: Hello, everyone! This is the second to last chapter in this book! I'll be posting the last chapter sometime between Friday the 25th and Sunday the 27th.) 

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