Little Wolf

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Aurora woke one morning to the sound of Sandor's voice. He was threatening someone. The young woman opened her eyes and saw Arya standing over Sandor, a large rock in her small hands. Aurora sat up and gazed at the girl in horror. She never learned, did she? "Arya!" she scolded, causing the girl to drop the rock in surprise. After a second, Arya's expression went from one of shock to one of anger. "Don't look at me like that," Aurora said, getting up and dusting herself off.

Sandor grumbled and got up. He wandered behind some trees to relieve himself, leaving the two women alone. "How can you stay with him?! He's a killer! The worst person in the Seven Kingdoms!" Arya cried the moment Sandor was out of sight. Aurora stood there, arms crossed over her chest as the girl continued to rant.

"Are you done?" Arya simply glared at the woman she once wanted to call her sister. In her eyes, Aurora had changed and not for the better. "Listen, can't keep trying to kill Sandor. He is the only way that either one of us can stay alive." Arya's gaze softened a bit. "Is that why you stay with him? So he can protect you?" Aurora shook her head. "I didn't say that," she whispered. Arya cocked her head in confusion, but her eyes widened in realization after a moment. Just as she was about to say what was on her mind, Sandor returned.

"We need ta get movin'," he told them. Aurora sighed and nodded before looking back at Stranger. "We should probably get another horse at some point. As strong as Stranger is, I really don't think he could handle the weight of all three of us," she whispered to him. Arya had gone back to being quiet and glaring daggers at Sandor and Aurora. Sandor grunted, knowing she was right, but not liking it one bit. He knew a second horse would give Arya a chance to run away and he really didn't want that. The girl was valuable.

Aurora dragged him from his thoughts by asking, "So, where are we going?" Sandor took a deep breath and replied, "The Twins. The girl's got family there." Aurora cast a glance back at Arya and nodded. "How far?" Sandor thought for a moment and told her a few days ride. "Great..." she said, unenthusiastically. She was honestly tired of riding, but she trusted Sandor. After all, he hadn't let her down yet. She gave him the best smile she could muster and turned her attention to helping the girl.

Sandor watched as she walked away from him. Deep in his gut, he felt a feeling he wasn't accustomed to. Devotion? Admiration? Dare he say Sandor shook his head to rid himself of that ridiculous thought. The man had never felt love in his life. Why should he now? Still, as he watched Aurora trying to get Arya's anger to simmer down, Sandor couldn't help but smile to himself.

Arya finally stopped glaring at Aurora about half way through the day and, when that night rolled around the little girl finally spoke to Aurora. Sandor had gone to search for something to eat, which was getting more and more difficult as the days went on, so the two were once again alone. Arya glanced at Aurora and took a deep breath.

"Do you love him?" Aurora blinked in surprise. "What?" The girl asked again and Aurora cleared her throat. "W-Why would you ask that, Arya?" Arya turned her gaze to the flames in front of her. "The way you look at him...and when you talk about him. It reminds me of how Mother looked at Father." Aurora felt her stomach turn at the mention of Ned. Then, she inhaled deeply. "I don't know, little wolf. Maybe I do."

Aurora looked up at the sky and got lost in thought. Did she love Sandor? She's never really experienced that kind of love. Even if she did, she seriously doubted that he felt the same. Little did she know, Sandor had heard the entire conversation. He stood out of sight, trying to calm the heart that was threatening to beat right out of his chest.


(a/n: I'm SO sorry for taking so long to update. Some things are going to be changing from the show now, simply so I can fit Aurora in the story AND move things in the direction I want them to go. )

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