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The group made it back to the rendezvous where the Rebels cheered, thinking they had lost their friends entirely. Luke was rushed to the medical bay immediately to get treatment for his hand.

After well needed rest, Leia telling their vague story, and Lando making plans to rescue Han, Luke was finally getting his new hand.

Leia looked off into the distance next to her droids. Luke winced at the new feelings in his hand as the medical droid poked needles at his fingertips.

"Luke." Lando's voice came in through his comlink. "Chewie and I are set and ready for take off."

"Good luck, Lando." Luke told him, clenching his fist and testing his realistic hand.

"When we find Jabba the Hut and that bounty hunter, we'll contact you." Lando said.

"We'll meet you at the rendezvous point on Tatooine." Luke said. Leia walked over to put a comforting hand on her brothers shoulder.

"Don't worry, Princess. We'll find Han, I promise." Lando tried a comforting word.

"Chewie, we'll be waiting for your signal. Take care you two." Luke said, the medical droid closed up the mechanics on Luke's new hand.

Chewie responded with a loud response of how he'll miss them.

"We'll miss you, too, Chewie." Leia smiled then returned to her window. Luke was just getting out of bed, adjusting his control on his wrist when the door opened.

  "Luke Skywalker?" A man with long hair and a beard entered the room. His eyes were covered with a blast shield of some sort.

"That's me. Who are you?" Luke asked, his guard automatically up.

"I'm Kanan Jarrus." The man introduced himself, "I'm from another rebel cell on Lothal."

"It's nice to meet you. Is there anything I can help with?" Luke offered.

"I was a Padawan learner in the Jedi Order during the war." Kanan shifted uncomfortably by the door.

"Wow." Luke was taken aback, Leia turned around as well, "I didn't know any other Jedi still existed."

"They don't, really." Kanan said, "They grew to be extinct a long time ago."

"But aren't you a Jedi? So they aren't extinct. They live through you." Luke said, trying to prove his own wisdom.

"I'm not so sure about that anymore." Kanan admitted. "I'm here to talk to you, you're Master Skywalker's son?"

"I am." Luke choked out the subject of his parentage. Leia walked over as well.

"I'm sorry miss, if you don't mind I'd like to talk to Luke alone." Kanan apologized.

"I'm Leia-" Leia began but it didn't take long for Kanan to see the resemblance in nature. He recognized her from a mission they did years ago.

"Leia? Oh, I'm sorry Princess. I didn't even recognize your voice." He said, "I just, I have something I need to tell you."

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