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She screamed. She screamed so loud and so long it felt like the ash that had attached itself to her lungs would burn off.

They're gone. Again they've left her behind and they're betrayal stays unnoticed. The thing that stuck with her most is that she knew he was alive. The memories she had of him now was a real person. He was right in front of her, living the life they always wanted but without her. She was hurt, and concerned.

Deep below the anger bubbling at her surface she wondered why they ever left their hiding place. Whatever rock they hid under, they should've stayed hidden. This would've never happened, she would never be this conflicted and heart broken all over again. Now she's all alone again.

Now she's forced in her own self preservation to keep the promise she made to the Emperor she no longer believes in. She wishes she could over throw him, then she'd be safe. She'd own her power, and would be able to become (Y/N) again. Leave behind Majka, leave it all behind her. She could regain the trust of the people, her family, her true and only love.

Yes, that is our best option.


"Master Skywalker, it's such an honor." The Commander bowed his head in amazement, "Everyone thought, well thinks you're dead. Why now to come out of hiding?"

"Commander, a prophecy once said I was born here to bring balance to the Force." Anakin began explaining with caution, "When the Order was destroyed I needed to wait until I could have another team I could have behind me. I needed to wait until the Empire thought I was no longer a threat to them. I figure now is the best time to fulfill it."

"Well, we certainly are glad you're here now. Because we can surely use a Hero." He clapped a hand on Anakin's shoulder, to lead him to the control room.

"I assure you, I'm no hero." Anakin humbly added.

"You're right, not yet." The Commander corrected himself with a cheerful smile, "Now let's analyze these plans. In the meantime, make yourselves at home."

The Commander left the group to help retrieve and analyze the plans. Anakin looked right at Luke who's face showed almost no emotion at all. He stood next to the group in utter disappointment.

"Luke, I'm so sorry you had to-" Anakin began.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Luke shot back, his anger boiling over his calm features.

"I don't know. I wasn't ready to come out of hiding. I didn't want to get you excited, what if something happened to me? Then you'd be losing me all over again. What if you rejected me? I don't know. I didn't know how to tell you." Anakin rushed to find an answer, he was usually good with words but this was not an easy thing to put into words.

"How about when I asked you, you could've said it was you." Luke suggested in hushed voices, "I was left to think I didn't have any family anymore, you let me feel that way!"

"I know I should've. I'm sorry, I'm very new to this whole 'father' thing." Anakin sighed, "I only want the best for you, Luke. I always have."

"The best life? Is that why you put me on Tatooine? The crummiest place in the whole galaxy?" Luke squinted his eyes in disbelief, "Best life.." he scoffed under his breath.

"Luke you had family that loved you. I wish I had half of what you did growing up." Anakin confessed, "I was a slave on Tatooine for the first 9 years of my life before the Order picked me up. I never had what you had. All I had was me and my mother."

"Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? That's normal on Tatooine." Luke sassed, "My uncle told me you were dead. I lived so many lies my whole life. Why were you never there?"

"Why do you think I stayed on Tatooine? It wasn't because I liked it there. I stayed there to protect you. It was your Aunt and Uncle who told me I needed to leave. Anakin Skywalker died 19 years ago according to the rest of the galaxy. I had the best chance because no one knew you were born. I gave you to the only family I knew still lived." Anakin told him, "That's what your Uncle meant. I wanted nothing more than to be with you, to be a family. I'm sorry, Luke. I'm so sorry."

Luke didn't say anything. It was so much to take in. The only thing he could think of doing was hugging his father, so he did. For so long they both suffered being separated. It was time to enjoy their time together.

"I missed you, son." Anakin told Luke as they embraced. Luke remained silent he still had so many questions, he didn't even know where to start.

"Please don't leave again." Luke pleaded, he couldn't bare another loss in his life. He was so much like his parents. His Father is now his only hope at having a person to care for and have care for him. He needed him, as much as he was angered by his leaving Luke was reasonable. He just wished he could've found him sooner.

"What happened? Why did you need to go into hiding, why did we both?" Luke asked, after releasing the hug.

"When I was born, I had no father. I was born out of a virgin mother. When I was discovered by the Order they named me the Chosen One, the one born from the Force and human to balance the Force." Anakin began to explain, "Everyone in the Order, including the now Darth Majka, knew this. When the Order fell, and the Jedi all gone, I was the #1 target for the Empire. And in turn, I needed to hide my family as well, who would also be a threat to the Empire."

"Why am I a threat to the Empire?" Luke questioned.

"Luke, you're destined to become even stronger than I. Your grandfather is the Force, and born from two extremely powerful parents. You should've seen your mother. I wish to be so lucky to see you reach your full potential as a Jedi. Your mother would be so proud of you." Anakin smiled, it's true. With how powerful Luke's parents are his connection to the Force must be massive.

"I guess I just don't-" Luke began but was then interrupted by a Rebel pilot.

"They have a plan for the Death Star raid, sir." The Rebel pilot told Anakin, "We'll be meeting in the conference room."

"Thank you." Anakin smiled at the man, then went to follow him and the rest of the orange suited pilots.

"Wait-" Luke grabbed Anakin by the arm, Luke wanted nothing more than to know more. He wanted to know who his mother was. What exactly forced his Father to leave him. Why did Anakin have a child? Who even really was Anakin Skywalker? What happened in the Clone Wars. Where did the Jedi go? What happened on the Jedi Massacre? For so long his life was filled with lies and stories, no facts. Now he wanted truth and facts to base his life off of. He saw this as the key to his maturity and happiness. He needed it, his best way of getting that was through Anakin. But this was not the time to ask.

"We will talk later, I promise." Anakin calmed him down, the same way he used to calm (Y/N), "For now, we do what we Skywalkers do best: save the galaxy."

"Really?" Luke looked at the strange cliche statement.

"Okay, maybe just blow some stuff up and hope it helps." Anakin smiled in fondness, Luke couldn't help but chuckle. Blowing things up didn't sound so hard?

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