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Luke came back to the place he left his friends determined. He had just seen his family and home burned. His jaw clenched he hopped out of the speeder.

Anakin could sense when he came back and ran down to meet him. He felt Luke's tense feelings and took the assumption to what he saw. If the Empire is willing to destroy innocent Jawas they're capable of destroying two farmers.

"There's nothing you could've done, Luke." Anakin put his hand on the young boy's shoulder.

"If you were there you would've been killed too. And the droids would be in the hands of the Empire." Obi-Wan explained.

"I want to come with you and learn the ways of the Force." Luke held his ground. He was angry. He doesn't have the time to be sad right now, his default feelings were anger like his parents before him.

"You're sure about this?" Anakin checked with him, he wanted to make sure it was something Luke actually wanted.

"I'm coming with you to Alderaan, there's nothing for me here. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my parents." Luke told him. He was so upset at the Empire, they've taken too much from his life. He's ready to fight them now.

"If that's what you want." Anakin nodded, underneath his solemn demeanor he was so thankful. For the good of himself, he needs his son.

This also meant nothing held him back from telling Luke the truth about himself.

"Quickly. Staying around these parts too long isn't good." Obi-Wan ushered everyone back to the tiny speeder.

"Where do we go now?" Luke asked.

"Mos Eisley Space Port." Anakin told him, "Be careful while we're there, you'll never find an area with more scum & villainy."


The 5 of them were just entering the Port when several sandtroopers cornered them.

"Can we help you, officers?" Anakin's old smugness returned. He's been dealing with these guys for a while and knew exactly how to waltz around them.

"How long have you had those droids?" The sand trooper, who assigned himself as leader, asked.

"About 2 or 3 seasons." Obi-Wan gave the practical answer.

"They're for sale if you'd like them?" Anakin joined in. Obi-Wan gave Anakin a silent side eye for his behavior, but all Anakin could do is smile it felt like he was in his 20's again.

"We're going to need to see your identification." The Sand trooper shifted his focus to Luke. Luke, getting nervous, looked back at his friends.

"You don't need to see his identification." Anakin lifted a few fingers toward the sand troopers mask. He couldn't let Luke get in trouble this early, they needed to get to Alderaan as soon as possible. Anakin was powerful enough to make this trick to effect the other troopers as well.

"We don't need to see his identification." The Sand trooper repeated.

"These are not the droids you're looking for." Obi-Wan chimed in, doing the same trick. Luke just stared in amazement.

"These are not the droids we're looking for." The Sand trooper repeated.

"Move along." Anakin whispered just to him.

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