108: Dax

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In the dungeon below Watchward Eighalh, Dax had partly confessed. Now, with his father pondering his excuses, Dax turned his attention to the lamb shanks. The tender meat had cooled while he unburdened his guilt.

He was not very hungry, anyway, as he had eaten soon after his unexpected imprisonment. Not knowing when his next mealtime would come around, Dax had faced the soupy stew. He had gagged on mushy turnip and almost felt lucky when he found a single lump of something meaty. He was soaking the bread when Sam had arrived, having just learned of Dax's arrest.

Apparently, his father had narrowly avoided imprisonment, himself. The Council had taken possession of Sam's prized medallion and his silver power bands. Dax could have done with the company, he thought. After his hearing, on the morrow, he might find out if the nasty, dark, cell of his imagination existed. Though stark, and a little musty, this place was reasonably clean.

"You're lucky to be in here," Sam said, as if reading his mind. "I thought I'd find you in the shielded cells, further down; a freezing bastard of a place."

"I let them put this on me." Dax pushed back his sleeve, revealing the bracelet.

"Ah, that explains it," Sam said. "Pity you aggravated Baldwin. He must have complained to the Council from Watchward Skerby, before we went down to the tavern. No wonder he wanted to stay in Skerby. Let me walk right into it, he did. He's after my job, of course."

"I am truly sorry, Father. Why would they take away your office? It's my fault, not yours."

"It's Driscoll's bloody fault. I told you, did I not, how he once allied with your Aunt Frances? Baldwin reckons our family should be held accountable." Sam gave a short laugh. "The idiots think I set it all up. They reckon Driscoll was bringing the girl to me."

"Was he?" Dax asked. It made sense. The firedrake often went missing, sometimes weeks at a time, without a word of warning or explanation. From his father's incredulous face, he had his answer. "I take that back," Dax said. "What happened to Aunt...? Aunt...?"

"Frances. She went to Aislenfell to fetch a crystal to fix the barrier magic. We thought her lost but she turned up, years later, wanting to try again. We had no one else who could do it, so...." Sam shrugged. "It's been decades. Cissie isn't coming back, not this time."

Dax could not recall discussing Driscoll's past affiliations. He wanted to know more but his father stood, yawning.

"I suppose I better go organise someone to represent us at the hearing." Sam scowled. "I can't see how they can charge either of us until after they interview the girl. You know, the Clades are in session with the Council, as we speak. They are all there, bar the one gone to Skerby. The citadel is abuzz. It's not every day you see a black dragon using a travl-ring, let alone all seven."

Dax put down the dish and wiped his mouth on the cloth that had covered the shanks. "If I'm still stuck down here when they declare her, I will miss the muster." He sighed. "I was a fool. I should have warned Taniel the minute I discovered that Mother lied to me. Jarryd might yet hide her. I'm sorry, Father, for my part."

"What's done is done." Sam squinted, thoughtful. "You're absolutely sure that you have told me everything? I do not want to look like a fool, tomorrow, should the Clades let the Council talk to the girl, for surely, by morning they will have found her."

Dax nodded earnestly. "The witch said Taniel was already pregnant, so I went along with them until time to get her away. My plan would have worked, too, if you hadn't turned up. I was going to hide her at your place. You never go there."

"You're probably right. Well, until the morrow, son." Sam extended his hand.

Dax pulled his father into a hug. "Thanks for the food and blankets."

Sam left, snicking the padlock shut behind him and calling to the jailer to let him into the front antechamber.

Dax used the bucket in the corner. He arranged the extra blankets on the thin pallet set atop a narrow rock ledge in the back wall. He removed his boots and trousers.

Satisfied with the probability that Jarryd and Taniel were safely ensconced at Driscoll's safe haven, Dax climbed into bed and succumbed to sleep.


9 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene



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