96: Dax

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Dax watched on as his father and Baldwin tried breaking into the castle proper. Stakkr door-room proved impervious to their magic. They added more scorch marks to the sooty residue left from Dax's earlier fireballs.

"You could have helped." Father flared his wings, angry and frustrated, his silver power bands dead.

"Waste of time, Father. I told you."

The air rippled around Father as he shaped. "Have you harmed the girl?" Though fussing with his clothing, Dax knew he listened.

"Taniel? No, of course not... not exactly," he said, unwilling to announce his impending fatherhood in front of Baldwin.

Baldwin glared. "Where is she?"

Dax studied the flagstones.

"Answer the question, son," prompted Father.

"I'm not sure, exactly," Dax said.

"What the hell does that mean?" Baldwin sneered. "Exactly."

"Taniel was with me, but I don't know if she came back here or if she went home."

"Ridiculous." Baldwin scowled. "I only saw your brother, not her."

"She's invisible."

Dax nodded at their querulous brows. "Aye, she is."

"Driscoll's doing." Father sighed. "Talk to the dragon, son. Find out where the girl is."

"He's not speaking to me." Dax shrugged. "Jarryd's ignoring me, too."

Father fiddled with his medallion. "We must return to the tavern. See if Taniel is there."

"Grandmaster, the portable detector," Baldwin cried, pulling it from somewhere about his person. "I can check to see if she used one of these other doors." He rushed about, checking, but came up with nothing.

Dax smothered a small smile at the wizard's desperation.

"You think its bloody funny, do you?" snarled Baldwin. "Don't think you're getting away with this." He jabbed his finger into Dax's chest. "Soon as we find the girl, you'll get what's coming to you."

"The Council will decide, not you." Dax crossed his arms.

Father coughed and Baldwin switched his glare to him. "He can't stay here, Grandmaster. Do something."

"You're right, of course, Master Wizard. I must not let family blind my judgment." He produced an iron key from his leather jacket and held it out to Dax. "You are under arrest. House arrest, my place. Go now."

Dax took the key, bewildered. "Father?"

"Do you have coin?" Father pulled a card out of his pocket, along with some silver. "A pass for the Watch. Use transport, I do not want you on the wing anywhere near the citadel. Hear me, absolutely no flying. There's plenty of food and drink at the house, servants. No entertaining. You got that? No visitors, none of your skirts. I will check on you, the minute I get back from Skerby."

"Aye, Father." Dax picked up his bags. Pity about the rules, he thought, having intended wooing Paget later in the week. Presumably, by then, her dragon should have managed to deliver the witch to Eighalh. In reality, the pair could end up anywhere this side of the Limits.

Baldwin strode across the door-room and activated the Skerby and Eighalh doors. The lights flashed orange.

Pass in hand, Dax braced himself for the black-shielded portal.

Baldwin sneered. "Consider yourself lucky you're not dungeoned."

"Break any of those rules and you will be," warned Father, winking from behind Baldwin.

Without rebuttal, Dax took in a deep breath and covered the length of Corrangorach in a single stride through the Void.

His freedom lay in Taniel's hands.


8 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene

(2016) Thanks for going the distance, guys 'n gals!



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