40: Jarryd

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Rufus, what's that light over there, Jarryd reluctantly asked. He had already been admonished for asking how close Dax was to Taniel.

You will have to work it out yourself. I cannot look.

Of course, Rufus could not see, Jarryd realised.

Hovering, the dragon had his chest pushed against the barrier at their entry point above the waterhole. His head and neck were right-angled awkwardly in the opposite direction to the lights.

I think I see people, Jarryd said. There might be two, he thought, unsure what he saw among the shadows cast by the flickering light that led them.

We do not have time for that. Taniel is in the same room as Dax. Get ready to speak to her. Are you strapped in?

I wrecked the harness when we got here. What will I say to her?

You tell her to touch him. You cannot speak once she does, else Dax might hear.

Should I not explain where we are, and all?

Keep it short.

It would be better if you did it. I'll mess up.

No. Hearing your voice will give her courage.

Rufus pushed harder, stretching their prison wall a little at a time until the whole of his chest was enclosed, his neck crammed against Jarryd's right leg.

The dragon began to pant. His breath whistled along the length of his straining neck as he continued forcing the way forward.

Jarryd felt the barrier's resistance against his hands and knees. Scared, his fists clenched the handhold as he imagined the invisible force pushing on his face.

"Now," shouted the dragon.

Jarryd gulped.

Rufus. Taniel's tentative query echoed through the dragon's head into his own. His heart accelerated. Rufus growled a warning to Taniel and told Jarryd to hurry it up.

Jarryd opened his mindpath as wide he could. Taniel's desire slapped his brain. He tried to slam his mindpath shut.

"No. She is spelled," croaked Rufus. "You must help her."


20 March 2017 - replaced with revised version (this scene is also split from the original one to keep the timeline intact so some comments may refer to the original latter part)

Thanks for reading.



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