58: Jarryd

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Jarryd yawned.

He gently pulled a strand of hair from Taniel's mouth, hoping she would wake. He needed to talk, make sure she understood why he was leaving her, for now. He was not convinced Taniel had listened to his explanation earlier. He brushed her lips with a forefinger.

She stirred, snuggling closer.

He had not told her where he was going, and they still had not talked of Dax. Would Dax be the one receiving her snuggles if Rufus had not joined their mindpaths in time. Taniel, while drugged, was susceptible to his charm.

Jarryd's jaw clenched. The Council abhorred enhanced seduction, it being tantamount to compulsion. If Dax were found guilty of acting with dishonour, he would be stripped of his powers and expelled from the Knights.

Jarryd did not understand the need to use a potion. Surely being a young and powerful wizard was inducement enough. Had Dax doubted his ability to sweet-talk her into his bed? His brother only had to unshape - women did not resist a Cladling who flaunted his wings.

He sighed, knowing he had brought this on himself by being so secretive. How did he think he could avoid telling her about his family? His mother's world revolved around Wizard Ritter and, no doubt, only jealousy swayed Mother from handing Taniel to her husband.

He felt sick merely thinking about Ritter being in the same room as his betrothed.

If Driscoll's scheme went awry, whatever it entailed, as well as his own, then Jarryd would rather Dax be the one to father Taniel's children and collect the rewards. Even if she must go to Eighalh, Dax could claim her as prime candidate. Such a claim would only work if he renounced Mother and Ritter. The Grandmaster Wizard would support his son.

Jarryd was not looking forward to going to Newhaven - the firedrake had named the place. There, he must beg leave to accompany Taniel. Jarryd's lack of sword bondage confused matters

Driscoll had requested Taniel be brought to him, at dawn, but Jarryd had refused on her behalf. She was not one to run off like a pilferer in the night.

Taniel muttered, interrupting his reverie.

His arm was numb. He nuzzled a soft kiss on her brow.

She frowned, wrinkling her pretty nose.

Wherever they went, once there, would someone tell her what he was? At the interception, she had assumed him to be a dragonrider and he saw no need to tell her different. Later, in the cave, it was impossible to broach the subject.

What was he going to say?

Oh, by the way, Taniel, I am not a dragonrider at all, just a failed wizard.

Also inevitable, she would learn that there was more to her than the breeding of wizards. When she found out, she would know that he had been after the same sorcery that his child's afterbirth would bring – restorative magic. It would be obvious to her. Why else would he betroth a stranger?

Despite his intentions at the beginning, now he was besotted. Despite his intentions at the beginning, now he was besotted. Was that part of the sword's influence, he wondered, even though it had not yet bonded him as her Keeper? The role demanded unswerving loyalty. The sword could manufacture that. Driscoll claimed the invisibility spell severed all magical connections with the outside world, including his sword.

Maybe these feeling are my own, he thought, because being invisible was doing a rotten job of shielding his heart.

At this moment, with Taniel at his side, he did not care if he ever touched magic again.


He groaned. He worked his arm out from under Taniel's neck and moved carefully to the edge of the bed, all desire for talk gone. He did not want to answer questions about his past or his family or what had happened upstairs with Dax.

Taniel must never find out.

It was easy enough to explain how he earned the right to be her legal custodian for it was an inherited role and had naught to do with wizardry. He would agree to anything the people at the safe house demanded of him, he decided. They might take away the sword. They were welcome, if it meant he stayed near her.

He eased out of bed and walked quietly over to the shuttered lamp on the mantelpiece above the cold fireplace. He snuffed out the light, not caring if he overslept.

This might be his last night with her.

Jarryd crept back to find Taniel had moved into his space. He climbed in the other side. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. The curtains fluttered, slashing a swathe of moonlight across the bedclothes, lighting up the curve of Taniel's shoulders. She had had a busy day, too. He should let her sleep. In the morning, she would need to pack and say her goodbyes and be ready when Driscoll returned him from Newhaven.

He kissed her shoulder, letting his lips linger.

Taniel rolled over. "Honey, you're awake?"

"Sweetheart," he said, his eyes prickling with the fear of losing her.

"Again?" She trailed her fingers down his chest, shocking a nipple on the way past.

He gathered her to him. "If you insist, my lady."

"Dragonrider," she said, against his mouth. "I insist."


29 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene

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