This is war

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Goosebumps form on the jokers skin as Harley's cold fingers lightly trace over the tattoos on his chest. She smiles lightly to herself as his hand moves up and down her back. Lucy slept silently in the white crib they had moved into their large bedroom. A war was coming, and they weren't taking any chances by leaving her alone.

The joker sucks in a deep breath and slowly lets it out. Harley moves her head to look up at him, silently questioning the sigh. He smiles lightly and kisses her forehead, telling her he was fine. A knock at the door interrupts them, causing Lucy to wake up. "Don't cry." Harley whispers. "Please don't-" Lucy screams loudly, cutting Harley off. "Cry." Harley finishes her sentence with a sigh, getting up to comfort their daughter. The joker growls as he whips open the door.

"This better be important Tree." He hisses. "Visitor." Tree says lightly. The joker sucks in a breath and nods, shutting the door. Harley rocks Lucy in her arms, softly talking to her. "She okay?" The joker asks. Harley nods. "I think she's just uncomfortable. I don't remember teething but I'm sure I did the same thing." She laughs.

The joker smiles and kisses Lucy on the head. "I've gotta go downstairs. You want me to make her a bottle?" He asks through a yawn. Harley shakes her head. "No, I'll come." She shrugs. The joker takes her hand and pulls her down after him.
"Johnny frost." The joker says with a smirk. Johnny sat at the large kitchen table with Diablo and Deadshot, boomerang leaned against the counter, beer in hand. Harley placed Lucy in the highchair at the end of the table. "A baby?!" Frost yells, scaring Lucy into another crying fit. Harley shoots him a harsh look. "My bad Quinn." He shrugs. The joker smirks and sits next to him. "Got my message huh?" The asks. The jokers eyes are on Harley as she makes Lucy a bottle. "Yeah. You know I'd do anything for you J. But this, a bit risky." He says with a concerned look.

The joker nods. "It is risky. We know that. But that piece of kryptonian shit is after my family. Help me or not, he's dead." The joker growls. "For a second time." Harley mumbles under her breath as she takes Lucy from her highchair into her lap. "Good point darling. There's someone on their side who can bring things back from the dead. Diablo, boomerang, superman. Its not enchantress, she's on our side." The joker says, a smile on his face as Lucy drinks.

Johnny watches the joker closely. He had changed so much. Mellowed out. Last time Johnny had seen him, he couldn't sit still. Now he watched his family like he was a lion, quiet, careful. Mellow. "I'll look into it J. But I can't make any promises. Like I said, this is all risky. All those guys are metahumans. Except the bat. Us? We're just.." "crazy." Harley says with a shrug, finishing his sentence. "We've got Diablo, enchantress." Deadshot points out. "I don't know about you mate but if I were them, I still wouldn't want to be burned alive." Boomerang says with a chuckle. The joker cringes at his voice.

"We just have to get our message out. Penguin, two face, croc. Luckily, they're all in debt." The joker smirks. "They'll have a choice, of course. Death, or fight to the death." The joker laughs loudly at himself.

"What do you say Harley girl, you up for a visit to the club?" The joker asks, smirking at her. Harley smirks back. "Always!" Deadshot shakes his head, taking Lucy from Harley. "Come on little lady, uncle bullet got the entire second season of Friends on DVD, we don't need them." He says. Lucy giggles at him as he takes her into the living room. "You protect her at all costs." The joker growls at Diablo. "With my life J." He says back. The joker takes Harley into his arms. "Mmm my little devil, you run upstairs and wear something that'll give daddy a heart attack." He growls, his lips on her neck.

Johnny raises an eyebrow at the couple, watching as Harley skipped towards the stair case. He shakes his head with a chuckle, grabbing the keys to his Ferrari.
Johnny and the joker sat at the usual spot on he balcony in the club the joker owned. Harley sat at the bar, already wasted. The joker smirked. "She's such a good girl." He tells Johnny. He watches as the penguin enters the club. Harley smirks and leaves her seat at the bar, stumbling over to him.

"Hi there big guy." She says to him. "Harley Quinn." He says with a smile. "You're looking good these days Doc." He laughs as he looks her up and down. "Hmm, yeah?" She twirls around for him.

The jokers breathing increased, he knew this was necessary, but he hated it.

"You want a drink mister Penguin?" She asks, pulling him toward the bar. "Could use one." He laughs, sitting on one of the bar stools. The joker kept his eyes locked on them, Johnny watched as well.

"What'll it be honey?" She questions. "Surprise me." He answers. Harley pours him a shot of whisky and he tosses it back. "You wanna play?" She smirks. "Play?" He questions. "Come on! Play with me, I'm bored!" She whines, climbing over the counter.

Penguin smirks and grabs her hand. "Lead the way." He growls. Harley leads him up the stairs to where the joker was. "Uh oh." She mumbles, as if she didn't know he was there. "H-hiya puddin!" She stutters. "She's such a good actor." The joker thinks.

"Harley." The joker growls. He quickly grabs her hand, slapping her hard across the face, causing her to fall. "Hmm. Well would you look at that. You made me have to hit her penguin. Looks like your debt is deeper than it was before." He growls as Harley stands up, blood dripping from her cheek. "Sit down Harley." He orders.

Penguin stares at him. "J I didn't know you were still with her. She was coming at me!" He protests. "Oh save it penguin." He rolls his eyes. "I couldn't care less about who was coming at who, the fact of the matter is, my property's been damaged." He roughly grabs Harley's face. "Harley, darling, how do you feel?" He asks her. "Damaged." She says with a smirk. "Well would you look at that! Damaged. And it's your fault. Destruction of property, isn't that illegal frost?" The joker asks. Frost nods. "Illegal indeed." He answers.

The joker stands up. "Well then. Since I can't call the police, it looks like I'll have to take care of this myself." He says pulling a pistol from his jacket. "J we can work something out!" He says loudly.

"Hmm. Harley, you think we could work something out?" He asks her. Harley shrugs. "Nah." She says as she wipes the blood from her face. "Well, there you have it." He says pressing the gun between the penguins eyes. "Please!" He begs. The joker rolls his eyes. "Perhaps. There is something you can do for me. Penguin." The joker says with a smirk. "Frost old boy, fill him in on what the plan is. Harley, come along, we're missing our soaps." He says simple, heading for the stairs.
The second the joker and Harley are closed into the lambo, he lightly grips Harley's face. "I'm so sorry darling." He whispers. Harley laughs lightly. "It's okay puddin, you had to do it." She leans in and kisses him lightly. "I'm okay, promise." She smiles. "So you think he's really gonna?" She asks. The joker starts the car, the engine roaring to life. "Either way, he dies. Why not go out with a...bang?" The joker smirks.
Superman paces back and forth in the large warehouse. "We're only giving them time to build their own force. We need to strike now!" He yells. Wonder Woman pushes him hard. "You're not touching that baby. We assembled this force to put them in prison, not kill them. It's not what we want." She hisses. "That's what I want. That's exactly what I want." He objects.  A sudden knock at the door interrupts them.

Superman opens it and penguin stumbles in, bloody and bruised. "P-please help me.." he mumbles. "What's happened to you?" Wonder Woman asks. "I-I don't..I don't remember." He whispers. Superman looks at wonderwoman and the penguin begins to laugh. "This is war." He says suddenly. "This is w-" suddenly penguin rips open his jacket, exposing a bomb as it detonates, destroying the warehouse. 

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