The plunge

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Harleens eyes flutter open, to see an unfamiliar room. Her heart begins to race and she sits up, looking around. She spots a single rose on the nightstand beside the large bed she was laying in. She leaned over and grabbed it and read the small note attached to it
"A beautiful thing, for a beautiful girl.-Mr.J"
Harleen smiled softly, but it quickly melted off her face. "He drugged me." She mumbles to herself. She listens as footsteps creep towards the door, before it opens. The joker smiles at her. "Ah, you're awake." He shuts the door and walks to her. "You drugged me." She says harshly. The joker looks at the ceiling with a confused look. "Hmm.. Did I? Must have slipped my mind. How do you feel?" He hands her a bottle of water. "I feel like you drugged me." She says with an annoyed tone. The joker gives her an impatient look. "Yes Harleen, we are well passed that." He says as he sits down beside her. She watches him carefully. "I feel fine. What did you give me?" She asks him. "Just a common sedative, I thought I would make transporting you a bit easier, and it did." He smiles and grabs her hand. She slips it away. "Where are we?" She mumbles, the sedative not all the way out of her system. "Safe." The joker says harshly as he stands. Harleen watches him as he begins to pace. "I want to go home mister j." She says softly. The joker laughs. "You are home." He says roughly. She shakes her head. "N-no mister J, I gotta go back to my apartment.. I've.. Ace.. Mister j my cat ace he hasn't been fed!" She starts to panic. The joker looks at her seriously. "I can assure you, ace has been fed." He smiles warmly at her. "He's here, matter of fact. We can go see him if you'd like." He says calmly. Harleens face lights up. The joker takes her hand and helps her up. "Come on then, let's go get him." The joker smirks and leads her from the room.

The joker leads Harleen down a long hallway, to a small room. He opens the door and Ace rubs against her legs. She drops to the ground and begins to pet and play with him. The joker stands back and observes them, intrigued by her. Harleen looks to the joker. "How you know where I lived?" She asks, Confused. "I'm the king of this city my dear, I know where everyone lives." He says seriously. She decides not to question him as she picks up the cat. "Come along Harleen. I'll show you the ropes."
Harleens eyes scanned over the jokers body as he slammed his fists into the punching bag. It had been three weeks since the joker brought her here, and she still had no idea where here was. All she knew was, she had fallen madly in love with one of the worlds most wanted criminals. Harleen had the overwhelming desire to constantly please him. Anything he asked, anything he needed, she'd supply. "Harleen I need you to do something for me." The joker breaks her thoughts. "Anything mister J!" She says pleasantly, earning a smirk from the clown. "Go downstairs and grab me a knife from the kitchen." He says seriously. She stands up and exits the room, Ace following her. The cat had settled in nicely, there were many rooms in the mansion for him to explore, but he seemed to always be at harleens feet. Loud screaming comes from the room she had left as she descended down the stairs, but that had become normal. Just that week the joker had killed two of his henchmen, one for not putting enough ice in his drink. She supposed he had to be ruthless with them, to keep them on their toes. Harleen strolled into the kitchen pulling a large knife from one of the drawers before turning to go back to the joker. A tall man walked passed her, his face bloody. Harleen had learned to ask no questions.

She and the cat returned to the room, the joker panting, a smile forming on his face when he saw her. "Aw great choice my dear." He says taking the knife from her. He jabs the knife into the punching bag, cutting a long slit in the fabric, exposing what looked like thousands of dollars hidden inside. "Harleen they've sent...batman... To look for you." The joker says through gritted teeth, as if saying the bats name pained him. "Gotham authorities believe you've been taken hostage." He begins to load the money into a bag. Harleen watches him. "We're gonna take a little trip honey." He smiles. "Go get cleaned up." He says before walking to her, roughly gripping her face in his hands. His intense eyes looked into hers before his lips connected with her own. He pulls away and points at the door. "Go on ace." He says as the cat attempts to give him affection. Harleen leaves the room, the cat once again at her heels, her mind thinking of where they could possibly be going.
The jokers hand was cold against hers. He hadn't mentioned where they were going, but they had been walking awhile, not a word spoken between them. A large run down building came into view. "Almost there Harleen." The joker says softly. His eyes were dark, not the usual piercing blue they'd been all the time she's seen him. As they approached the building the joker entered the door. "A chemical plant?" Harleen asks confused. The joker nods. "Up you go my dear." He says pointing to the stairs he's climbed before. Harleen begins to climb, he follows close behind her before they land on a platform. Harleen peeks over the edge, taking a glance at the chemicals boiling below them. "This is where I was born." The joker says suddenly. Harleen turns and looks at him. "Where this, version of me was born." He says roughly. "Question, would you die for me?" He says looking at her. Harleen studies him. "Of course." She answers. " that's a bit too easy." He whispers as his hand reaches to caress her face. "Would you live for me Harleen?" His finger tips running over her skin. "Yes." She says bravely. "I'd do anything for you mister j." She says softly, her heart racing in her ears. The joker points to the chemicals below them. "Then do it." He says harshly. Harleen stares at him for a moment before she slowly walks to the edge of the platform. She turns to face him. An intense look on his face. She closes her eyes and allows herself to fall off the platform, the feel of flying before she plunges into the chemicals. "Anything." The joker murmurs.

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