Day 29

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The sounds of birds chirping nearby echoed in the background causing Samantha to stir. Her eyes felt like huge boulders as she struggled to lift them. After struggling for a few seconds they fluttered open and she gasped at her surroundings.

She was lying down on a huge bed in a room that she did not recognize. A beautiful one at that. The room was wooden all over, from the floors to the furniture and to her left was a huge window where the sun shone through brighter than ever. Samantha couldn't believe her eyes, there were branches and what seemed like an infinite amount of leaves outside. This was definitely not Jerry's house.

Was this supposed to be heaven? She attempted to get up but winced in pain when she applied pressure to her hands and that was when she saw the huge bandages wrapped around her wrists. She looked down and saw that she was wearing a shirt which clung to her sticky body and had dried blood stains on it. Confused she tried to recollect what had happened but all she remembered was the excruciating pain of cutting herself to escape from Jerry.

But this wasn't his house and it wasn't any other house she was familiar with either. Where the hell was she? Maybe she had been rescued. Her heart raced at the thought but if she had been rescued, wouldn't her parents be here, or at least someone she knew? Or maybe she had died and this was heaven or hell, she wasn't sure.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of china rattling and she stilled wondering who it was. The sound of footsteps approaching became louder and louder and Samantha held her breath praying it was her parents or the police but when she saw his familiar face her heart sank and a strangled cry escaped her lips. No not him, not him again!

No matter what she did, no matter how much she prayed, no matter how much she resisted Jerry was always there. Like cancer he had insidiously crept into her life, invading her mind,body and soul and spreading everywhere until there was no escape. A cruel sinister cancer that didn't even have the decency to let her die in peace.

Whether she liked it or not he had become a part of her and seeing him here further proved it. As long as he was alive he would never leave her alone.

She tried to move away from him as he neared her carrying a tray of food in his hands but her hands hurt like hell and her back hit the headboard of the bed. She also felt extremely weak as if all the energy had been drained out of her.

"Please don't touch me,"she whimpered as tears of helplessness pooled at the corners of her eyes.

"Samantha," he breathed in the usual desperate way he always did. "You're awake, thank God! I brought you some food, you mus--must eat." He placed the tray on a table next to the bed and sat down beside her. Looking at her guiltily, he sighed deeply and then ran a hand through his hair.

He literally looked like a zombie. He had huge dark circles under his eyes, his face was a sickly shade of white and his hair looked unwashed and grimy. His grey eyes were so hollow Samantha felt like she was staring into a dead persons eyes and realized she probably looked just as bad if not worse.

"Please eat, "Jerry begged looking like he was going to cry himself. "You have no idea the hell I went through these past few days. Killing Olivia was one thing but when I found you Samantha I swear I wanted to kill myself. How could you do such a thing? To me? To yourself?"

His voice broke and he rubbed his now wet eyes. "I know what I did to you was terrible but was it really enough to take your life?"

"I- I thought y-you were going to kill me too," Samantha's voice broke. Her heart softened at the sight of him crying and she couldn't help but pity him. Why did she always end up pitying him?

"If you die, I die Samantha."

"How did you- how am I alive right now? Where are we?"

"If you eat I will tell you."

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