One Day Before

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Samantha stared at the couple sitting across from her in the library. If you didn't look closely you would think they were in deep conversation but after about a half an hour of stolen glances their way Samantha could now tell the girl was panting heavily and the guys hands were no where to be seen as he whispered into her ears.

Heat crept up her cheeks at realizing this and she quickly looked away. "Damn these horny couples," she muttered to herself. Personally she wasn't a fan of public displays of affection but this just took it to a whole new level.

However, despite the judgement she couldn't help but envy them a bit. She couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten some solid action and watching things like this did not help at all.

Somehow images of her and Ben doing similar things crept their way into her mind and she blushed furiously. What was wrong with her?

"Get it together Samantha, now's not the time," she muttered to herself as she stared at her books.

"You know Sam I've heard brilliant people often talk to themselves but usually its not in public so you're kinda freaking me out," Ben's voice echoed from beside her breaking her from her shameful fantasies about the two of them.

Startled she jumped and then exhaled nervously, thankful that he couldn't read minds. "Sorry I was just a little distracted," Samantha answered while she cast an annoyed glare at the couple again.

He laughed in response "And I thought I was the only one who could hear her panting from a mile away. Well if we can't study we might as well do something else."

"Finals are coming--," Samantha shut up when Ben held her hand and pulled her up. Silently rejoicing at the contact she prayed he wouldn't let go and to her surprise he didn't as he led her to the staircase. Not that she needed any guidance but who's complaining.

Every moment his palm brushed against hers made her heart beat faster. He had never held her hand before not this long anyway. Could that mean something? Samantha felt slightly giddy thinking about the possibility of him finally reciprocating.

"Hey look at this. Your uncles giving a talk here next month," Ben pointed at the bulletin board located at the entrance of the library.

"Seriously I didn't know that," Samantha mumbled as she stared at the poster. A huge picture of her dashing grey haired uncle stared back at her. He was always busy and hardly ever kept in touch with her parents so it didn't come as a surprise that she wouldn't know this. But somehow she felt slightly disappointed.

For as long as she could remember she had always looked up to him but he had never so much as glanced at her during the family soirees that he rarely attended. Even when she had told him that she had gotten into medical school the most reaction she had gotten out of him was a casual tap on the back and the words "Congratulations! I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

A sigh escaped her lips as she remembered that day like it was just yesterday.

"Should be good, we should go together. We'll sit in the front row and distract him with our own public display of affection, just for the fun of it. Rile up the old man a bit. What do you say?" Ben smiled at her cheekily.

Samantha was momentarily at a loss for words, not only did he just suggest that they go together but to act like they were in a relationship in front of her uncle? Or was that his way of hinting that he wanted to be with her?

She was also acutely aware of his thumb gently stroking her hand in a calming manner with their fingers still intertwined with each other. What did this all mean? She felt so confused.

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