Thirty Ice-cream Dates Is Out!

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Who all were waiting for it? The first chapter of TICD is UP! Not sure if you want to read it yet? Here's the summary:

A single bet. Two people. And one month of free ice-cream.

Unspoken promises, heated gazes, and an inexplicable lust for each other. Will Tyler and Brandon confess their true feelings? Or will their playful banter and awkward moments dissolve into nothing as their high school life progresses?

True love is difficult to maintain. Are they confident enough to even try? Well, they have thirty ice-cream dates to decide their fate.






Then, here's a PREVIEW!


1. His Vanilla Ice-cream

Brandon's POV





"I'm going to the Forbidden Forest," I said in an irritated tone.


"To Tyler, you idiot!" I stood up after shoving my foot in the shoes, and hopping over to the door. Half-running and half-tying my laces down the hallway, I heard Seth's footsteps behind me. I didn't bother to turn back.

"Dinner is already over! Ty will be back in the girl's dorm." I heard his distant laughter. "Good luck on not getting caught!"

I scoffed. If I knew him right, he was just waiting for me to get caught and get my ass whipped in detention. That couldn't happen though. I had to see Tyler. We hadn't seen each other for two freaking days. This thing between us was crazy. I couldn't define it. Not yet. But the time we had spent together in Singapore couldn't just be a one time thing, could it be? At least I hoped that Tyler felt the same.

Slowing down on my way across the yard that separated the two hostels, I saw the ice-cream vendor by the side of the building. I licked my lips. Maybe the ice-cream will win her over if she's upset? Making my mind to buy her the frozen dessert, I started walking towards the vendor. It was close to ten in the night now, and I knew if I didn't hurry, someone will spot me going towards the girl's hostel. "Can I have two ice-creams?"

I took out the money, thankful that my wallet was with me, and handed it to the man. He shrugged. "Which one?"

Choosing an ice-cream flavor was hard--choosing any flavor was hard--but I was short on time. So, I said the first thing that came into my mind. "Give me two vanilla cups."

"Date with your girlfriend?" The man smiled as he handed me the ice-cream.

Heat crept up my face, not quite familiar with the boyfriend-girlfriend thingy even though we had addressed each other like that in the competition last week. Does coming back home really changes our relationship? I didn't want to think about it. For now, I just wanted to see her. "Something like that."

"Stay safe." He winked and waved me off.

Clearing my throat, I took two steps at a time towards her hostel. Boys weren't allowed in the dorms, but everyone knew that was just a rule on the paper. I sneaked in towards the staircase and climbed up the stairs to the first floor. Room 107. Seeing no one out, I stepped towards her room, and with a deep breath in, knocked on the door.

Here we go.


READ THE FULL CHAPTER IN THE BOOK! Will be posting more teasers until you guys give up and read it already XD

Aanchal xx

Baking With Boys |✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon