6. Orange Crush

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The bed groaned and creaked, adjusting to the new weight added to it. I felt someone shift beside me, pulling on my blanket and making enough space for two under it. In a haze, I shuffled back, only to come in contact with the other body pressed up behind me. I frowned, confused, and disoriented as to why someone would be there in my bed.

Before I could delve into it further, that perplexing emotion disappeared as the body next to me shifted even closer to me.

"Mmm..." A moan left my mouth as my body relaxed against the body behind me. Seeking more warmth, I nuzzled closer, my back pressing into the body. I gasped, as a wary hand roamed up my torso, enticing my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

The hand paused its exploration, stopping below my stomach and slowly making its way under my top. My breath hitched in my throat, and I bit my lips as the hand lifted my top up, inch by inch. The moment the cold palm made contact with my feverish skin it sent shivers down my body.

Scooting back, even more, I let the soft curve of my body spoon into the large and hard one. Hot breath fanned my neck with the increased proximity, and I let out a whimper, earning a low growl in return. I twisted my body, squirming, and writhing against the explorative hand. My impatience instead of getting a heated response, made the hand stop its inspection, resting snugly below my breasts.

I whined, irritated at the torturous pace. It was as if the pleasure was just out of my reach, laughing at me, daring me to catch it. Another whine and the hand pressed down on my top, clutching it and bunching up to expose the skin to cool night air. It was still too slow for me, and I expressed it with another frustrated growl.

A pair of lips touched my ear, their movement tickling it, and raise my shoulders. He chuckled in a throaty voice, doubling my heart rate, and quickening my breath.

Curious to see the person driving me mad with his foreplay, I twisted in my position. The blanket bunched around my legs at the motion, twining itself with my legs. I turned fully, my head resting against the forehead of the person, or breaths the only distance between us.

I opened my eyes. The light was dim in the bedroom but my eyesight quickly adjusted to it, seeking out the face of the person in front of me.

It was Liam.

The sudden revelation made me freeze over in shock. But that didn't last long as the beautiful face in front of me melted away any hesitance. His eyes were close, a small smile playing on his lips like he was in a beautiful dream. Unable to help myself, I giggled at his cuteness, taking my hand to his face and letting it trail down his cheek.

His breath hitched at the contact of my hands, and he grabbed it, placing the open palm on his lips. Kissing it. I shivered, a hot undercurrent going through my body. Next, he took my hand and placed it on his bare chest, the beat of his thumping heart strong and clear. Ironically, it matched mine perfectly. The temperature notched up even higher as I looked at his face. Sensing me staring at me, he opened his eyes, and I saw an eccentric and wild green color.

I frowned, confused. Liam had blue eyes, like the sea, calm and serene. But these were ferocious and wild like a rainforest. Trapping me in the depths of them.

With a startling thought I realised, they looked eerily like Brandon's eyes.

The thought broke the spell. My mouth opened in astonishment as the face in front of me transformed into Brandon's. Instead of the beautiful smile that had been playing on Liam's lips, it was now the slight mischievous shift of Brandon's lips. He laced his hands around my waist, pulling me in sharply, and I gasped. He combed my hair back from my face, touching it tenderly, unlike the brutal force he had used on my waist.

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