36. Croquembouche

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"Do you want some?" Brandon asked, putting the tub of strawberry flavored ice cream in front of me. His other hand was busy holding the spoon and swirling it in his mouth, mocking me.

I raised my hand, not for the ice-cream, and Brandon understood in a second. He snatched the ice-cream tub away from my face. Keeping it on the bedside table, he fumbled to get a tissue paper out from the box. I urged him on with my hand to get it faster. As soon as the tissue was in my hand, I waited for it to happen. My face scrunched up in anticipation, and Brandon winced in time with my expression.

Three, two, one... I sneezed.

The sound echoed in the room, and Brandon let out a deep breath, shaking his head at me. I sniffed, not at the point to blow my nose out yet but close. My eyes watered, and I knew I must look like a red siren with the nose and eyes matching my hair color.

"I guess I'll have the ice-cream alone." He chuckled, enjoying another scoop of the delicious strawberry delight. But with the way my body was feeling, I wasn't jealous one bit.

The blanket was now on the floor, one of the by-products of my sneeze. I scooted down to pick it up. My head swam for a moment as blood rushed into it, black spots clouding my vision for a moment. Dread filled in me as I realized that this cold would not go soon. Gathering my strength, I picked up the blanket and snuggled deeper in the bed.

Brandon watched me in silence, and I felt like a laboratory mouse under his gaze. "You don't look all right," he stated after a minute of inspection.

"No shit Sherlock," I muttered, giving him a not-so-subtle eye roll.

"Ouch." He clutched his heart, over acting, but then turned back into serious mode. "Dunking in the sea was a stupid idea after all."

"Shut up. It was fun. And you got your ice-cream." I pouted.

"I did." He grinned, scooping another spoonful as I watched him lick it away. I felt embarrassed and a pervert as he repeated the tongue action. Brandon knew this, teasing me with one show after another.

I huffed, giving up. "You only won one ice-cream. I have a month of free supply."

He shrugged, and I felt the teeny bit of satisfaction slip away. What was the point of winning the bet when I would go around with runny nose?

"Why am I the only one sick?" I whined, kicking out the blanket as my body turned hot from cold. But the cool air hit me moments later, and I felt a shiver run down me. Why couldn't I find the right temperature? Irritated, I picked up my phone. I thought of messaging my mother and telling her about my condition, but then checked the time. It was quarter to eight pm right now. She would be busy preparing for the day.

Wi-Fi connection was good, and thinking of passing my time surfing, I sat up straighter. I saw Brandon bent down on his phone as well and didn't disturb him.

Famous gay people, I typed in on Google. A list of celebrities opened, and I skimmed through it. Nothing interesting came up, so I typed again.

How to come out to your parents. A lot of articles showed up, along with many YouTube videos. Seeing few of the YouTubers I liked, I opened the video and watched as they declared in front of the world they were after all human beings just with different preferences.

"What are you watching?" Brandon slid closer, his body warming my right side as he pressed up to it. Feeling awfully aware of the situation, I felt heat rushing up my cheeks. To avoid embarrassment or his teasing I tilted the phone, so he had clear view of the screen.

"YouTube. I keep thinking about how we should help Bella. Maybe I'll find a clue or an idea somewhere?" His neck craned forward, his cheek just inches away from my lips. I blinked hard and willed myself not to stare.

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