17. Pomegranate Tea

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No, no, no, I chanted in my head, watching the security staff zooming in towards all of us.

This was not in the plan. Nor was drowning the whole restaurant out, I thought.

"Save your lives!" Seth shouted, instantly running away, Francis and Liam close behind him.

I watched as Leo sneaked away before Brandon and I could even blink our eyes.

Panic gripped me as the three of the security ran behind them, with one left with us.

The man looked at us, dressed in blue overalls which were a size too small for him. I gulped and he sneered at me, slowly taking a step towards us.

"You won't be able to escape me, scoundrels," He let out a throaty laugh, and rubbed his hands together, taking another step forward.

I took a staggering step back in return and Brandon's hand immediately caught mine, pulling me close behind him.

Even in this impossible situation I felt aware of his hand, which was absurd to be honest.

Brandon squeezed my hand to get my attention and I heard his low voice in my ear, clearing me of my wandering thoughts.

"Run when I say," he said, watching me with a side glance and I nodded softly.

"3, 2, 1... Run!" he shouted and both of us whipped back and started sprinting away.

"You punks!" The security shouted at us, as his overweight body started following us.

My hands now clasped tightly in Brandon's, I pushed my feet harder to get some distance between him and us.

We zoomed left and right through the scattering of people, receiving curious glances and surprised exclaims from them.

I could hear his shouts of pushing people aside as well as the grunts and I was eternally grateful for Brandon's company.

My purse dangled from my side and I noticed regretfully that a pen and a paper bounced out from it. I watched it fall on the ground and hesitated to pick it up, but Brandon pulled my hand.

"We'll find it later, hurry up for now!" His eyes were concerned as he looked back to see if he was still following us.

I nodded and picked up my speed again, as Brandon expertly pushed people aside to let us through.

"That way!" I shouted, pointing towards a large group of people standing at some distance.

More the crowd to get lost into, the better.

"Faster," Brandon urged me on, pulling my hand and I groaned. My underworked muscles were already tired and groaning in pain.

Looking at Brandon leading me, I rolled my eyes when I saw that he was totally unperturbed.

And here I was, feeling like a dying giant whale.

"Stop, please," I begged him as my breathing turned laboured and my lungs screamed in pain.

We were admist a crowd of people now and Brandon halted, looking back at me.

"Are you alright?" he asked and I shook my head wildly.

My hair were matted to my sweaty face and I knew I represented the animal tribe perfectly.

"Please let's hide somewhere, I don't think he's following us anymore," I said between another set of heavy breaths and Brandon shook his head at me.

"Okay, let--"

"You couple of shit heads!" I heard a loud shout behind us and another shot of fear rang through my body.

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