Chapter Twelve: I had to deal with a gigantic coconut and a stupid tree.

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c h a p t e r t w e l v e 

i h a d t o d e a l w i t h  a g i g a n t i c c o c o n u t a n d a s t u p i d t r e e


The first thing I saw was his stormy grey eyes glisten up a little. I looked away immediately, biting the inside of my lip. I noticed the bags underneath his eyes...being the CEO of a company comes at a price.

I didn't bother to wish him a good morning.

He closed the file he was working on and gestured for me to continue.

I handed him the Foreign Affairs file.

'The land we'd bought in Morocco five months earlier is facing legal issues, sir. Kenneth Parker had signed over the land to Eric Parker but Eric failed to stand by the clauses of the contract and the neighbouring land owned by Morocco's local trading company, Yvonne's, is slapping charges against Parker Co.'

Sebastian seemed to slap out of his daze and opened his mouth blankly, clearly not having heard what I said thirty seconds before. I rolled my eyes and repeated my said words earlier.

This time His Highness heard what I said and replied, 'But that is Eric's concern, not ours. Why is Yulu's charging us?'

I rolled my eyes again. Did that guy even listen to me when I was speaking?

'Yvonne's, sir and Eric Parker heads the Morocco site of Parker Co.'

He seemed having an inner battle with himself and he shook his head, I guess realising that Eric Parker, his cousin, indeed was the head of Parker Co. in Morocco. He normally was calm and composed but today he seemed to be so distracted...probably because it was Ivory's first day here.

I stared at him for a response but he was only looking at me blankly. I cleared my throat to get his attention and he jerked back to attention. I actually felt like laughing, looking at the stern CEO daydreaming.

'Uh, can you give me five minutes or something? I need to go through this file first. And if you can refill the cup too, please. I will take my usual.' He said picking up the nearest file and opening it. I nodded and went forward to take his empty coffee mug on the table. Sebastian shifted uncomfortably in his seat but pretended to read the blue file in front of him.

After taking the mug in my hand, I looked at the was turned upside down. I bit back a laugh and walked out of the cabin.

I made Sebastian's usual espresso and after I started to make my way back to his cabin, I saw Beth coming out of Ivory's cabin followed by Ivory shouting at the top of her lungs.

'What do you mean by that?' Ivory shouted at wasn't yelling at all, I mean I could whisper louder than this but this is Ivory the Princess we are talking about.

'WHAT DO I MEAN? I WILL TELL YOU EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN!' Beth yelled, gaining the attention of all the workers on the floor. Quickly keeping Sebastian's mug beside the coffee maker, I made my way to Beth who was thankfully a few steps away from me. I held Beth before she could lunge at Ivory and throw a punch at her along with showcasing her underwear.

Beth was really petite and that woman couldn't kill a fly so it was really easy to hold her back. All I had to do was use one arm to hold her back.

'Oh you do not have any brains, so get out you dumb bimbo!' Ivory said, trying her best to raise her voice but it came out as a poor whimper. I snorted when she called Beth a dumb bimbo...look who is talking.

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