Chapter Seven: I might as well resign now.

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c h a p t e r s e v e n 

i m i g h t a s w e l l r e s i g n n o w


I just sat there in shock, contemplating on what he just said. Slowly, my blood started boiling in my veins and I feared they would burst any minute.

I slapped the desk in front of me, wishing it was his face instead. He couldn't do that to me. This was a lame excuse to fire someone. God, he is even stricter than Gordon Ramsay. Sebastian looked shocked for a second when I slapped the desk loudly but soon smirked, 'I will leave this cabin so you can pack your things in peace.'

Before he could get up, I stood up and leaned a little on the desk. I glared at him and he stared blankly, 'You cannot do this.'

'Try me.' Sebastian said, dryly, 'Your pleading won't work.'

'What makes you think I am pleading? I am stating the fact, Mr. Parker. And you're also forgetting the fact that I am your personal assistant, which means that I go through all your files. Kenneth Parker has signed over the rights to you but it takes twenty days for the effective authorities to accept the agreement papers. You're still the Associate CEO of Parker Co. and by these means, only Kenneth Parker can fire me, not you.' I said, smirking.

Sebastian looked stunned for a second and muttered something under his breath.

'I have seven more days until the rights come dutifully to me,' Sebastian said darkly, getting up from his seat and leaning over the desk towards me, 'And then, you will be fired.'

'Always taking the easy way out of problems, Sebastian Parker, I shouldn't be surprised,' I said, taking my face closer to him so that our noses were touching, 'That is what you did many years ago. You haven't changed a bit. Are you scared you're going to lose like you did last time?'

'I don't lose, Leah Hastings. You out of all people know that.' Sebastian said, smirking, 'After all I was the one who broke your little heart forever.'

'I never loved you back then, how could you then break my heart? We had agreed it was a game for both of us.' I said looking in his grey eyes, the colour of the dark smoky fog in the winter mornings.

'All right then, it will be a game now too.' Sebastian said, standing up straight. I pulled myself back too, 'One month, Leah Hastings. You will be giving me your resignation.'

'I'd like to see you try.' I said, dryly, 'What if I don't resign?'

'Easy. Your pay will increase by sixty percent.' Sebastian gave me one more challenging look from his eyes and left the cabin.


After he left, Beth came inside and asked me in a worried tone, 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, I am.' I said, taking some files that needed Sebastian's attention right away.

'Give me the files and I will give it to him.' Beth offered and I gave it to her without question. She was wearing a knee length dark blue dress with a tight white blazer to go with. I liked how she rocked the office chic look without trying hard.

'I like how you both wear matching clothes.' I winked at her and she blushed. After I said it, my heart constricted but I ignored the feeling again.

After Beth was gone, Andrea entered the next minute and plopped her ass on my desk.

'Andrea, please go through Betty's Fundraiser for Orphans which is scheduled for in the next ten days. Beth and I thought it would be great if Sebastian went there, it would be good for company's rep.' I said, handling the pending file to her. I looked at the pile of files waiting to be looked upon. I decided to go for the Human Resources department issues next. They were the most problematic department according to me, one thing that would describe them the best – drama queens. And I wasn't the only one who thought so, everyone else in the other departments thought so.

'I need to talk to you.'

'What is it, Andrea?' I asked sensing her depressed tone.

'I am leaving in the next five days.'




I shot up from my chair and screamed, 'WHY?'

Andrea rolled her eyes in response and signalled me to sit down. I reluctantly did as she told.

'My five year contract is ending,' Andrea said, 'And I need to get back to Australia to my family. My mother's cancer is getting worse and I have to be by her side. I have secured a job there and I will be leaving after one week from this city. All of these things are discussed with Sebastian.'

I sighed. I knew about her mother's breast cancer and her father needed help by his side. If Andrea was leaving, then that meant, 'Ethan?'

'Oh yes, about him. He will be working under Reyna Sorotery as her assistant. I actually asked Sebastian to keep Ethan as his publicist but he said that he already had a publicist in his mind. Ethan also refused to work her...since I was leaving.' Andrea said blushing about the last part. I knew she liked him too!

'So Ethannnn' I said in a sing-song voice and she blushed harder, 'I will miss you both.'

'I will miss you, too. But my farewell is still a week away. Save the crying for later.' Andrea said, blinking away some tears, 'I have come for an important matter.'

'What is more important than you leaving?'

'The sexual tension between my boss and his personal assistant,' Andrea said with a serious face.

'Oh even you think that Beth and Sebastian have the hots for each other?' I blinked my eyes. I thought I was the only intelligent one here.

I don't know why Andrea face-palmed when I said that.

'Today. After office. Your apartment. We are talking.' Andrea said before leaving.


I called Linda from Human Resources department. If Sebastian had been planning on bringing a new publicist, then surely her resume would be complied in the company's data base. Linda was the assistant to Mr. Robert Morris, HOD.

I picked up the intercom and dialled the three digit number of Linda's cabin.

After two rings, I heard Linda's voice say, 'This is Linda Putney.'

'Hi, this is Leah.'

'Hey, how are you?'

After exchanging a few pleasantries, I came straight to the topic.

'Linda, is there any news you can give me about the publicist situation right now? I am sure you must know something.'

'Yes, Andrea Waters' contract is ending in a few days and Ethan Fields will be resigning too. In fact, he had sent his resume to over seven other companies last month. He got accepted in one.' Linda said.

'Okay and did you get any other resumes of other publicists for the vacant job? Or did Mr. Parker recommend some publicist?'

'No, Mr. Parker clearly instructed Mr. Morris to keep the position vacant and not interview any other candidates. So we didn't let anyone know about this vacancy. Yesterday itself Mr. Parker had the IT department store the next publicist's resume in the database without HR department knowing. I am sure you know about this, I had mentioned this point in the file.' I looked at the HR file lying in front of me. I hadn't even touched it yet, 'Mr. Morris was angry and is in a meeting with Mr. Parker at the moment.'

'Do you know who the next publicist is?' I asked biting my lip. My gut feeling told me it was someone I have hated for my entire life.

'Yes, it is Ivory Hastings, your sister if I am not wrong.'

Yes, you're not wrong at all Linda.

I might as well resign now.


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