Book 4⌇37. Don't Look Back

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Chapter 37 ∣  Don't Look Back


"Tamsin..." The light dies out in her eyes in a split second, the moment I thought a hunter had attacked me. Her blue irises flutter shut underneath her eyelids, my heart skipping a beat once I realize exactly what I've done.

It wasn't a hunter.

It is the one vampire who showed me nothing but kindness and understanding. Her scent masked, she is a fleeting figure a true assassin that can't match up to either Gwyn or Veronica...

...and I had almost ended her life.

The first time seeing her in emotions are sent running around in my heart, the ice that had formed in the holes melting just enough to bring back her light.

With the blood blade still lodged in her heart, I morph it, drawing my hand over her chest, connecting each soft bit of the damaged organ. So long as my blood is mixed with hers, with my innate vampiric healing and my accelerated blood magic capability, I can hold onto her before she is gone.

Moving the palm of my hand away from her chest, the wound is sealed. I feel the faint flicker of her heart beating, the rhythm trying to even out on its own. I feel her chest rise and fall gently, lifting her up into my arms and holding her close to me. With her cheek resting against my chest, my eyes scan the area, the full force of what combined numbers of hunters can do is very startling.

I met up with Onyx three nights prior, the news about the coven I had slaughtered traveled fast and however Zak was able to track down these rogues, was beyond my knowledge. Their den was off the beaten path, not knowing how they possibly could have known.

I must get her somewhere safe.

I don't have the strength or ability to dematerialize with Tamsin in my arms, so the cover that would have made it easier is no longer an option. What is an option though, is using my speed to break away from the warehouses, running deeper and deeper into the forest? Running south, escaping the fate that death should have claimed me. If it wasn't for Tamsin, I wouldn't have seen the increase in numbers that had arrived.

Guess their den was already a big target before I arrived.

Were you forced to come with Zak and the others?

The sound of wind rushing past me, my boots hitting the ground with each stride I take as my speed never decreases. I don't want to stop, not until I've put many, many miles between us and the hunters.

I almost didn't recognize her at first, Tamsin having grown so much in the past ten years. She wasn't a teenager anymore, but a woman. Every day I wished to have spent more time with her, not only her but with everyone else, I missed dearly. But I knew it would never last.

I'll never be granted that right ever again.

We finally make it into Forest Park, a large expansion of trees that border the northern part of Portland, Oregon. My eyes take in what appears to be an old abandoned farmhouse, a large barn that stands somewhat tall in the back. Deciding that this will probably be the best chance we have as the sunrise looms on the horizon. The sky had already begun to color with that of the morning rays and soon it will burn the two of us to death unless we are able to hide away.

Coming near the farmhouse, my suspicions are correct, no one answering the door. Lightly kicking the door in, my eyes glance around the area, seeing that there are cobwebs, items covered in thick layers of dust. Though I doubt someone will find us, it will be a better idea to spend the day in the desolate barn, less likely someone will wander in their verses the farmhouse.

The Rogue Pureblood Vampire | 18+✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora