Book 4⌇8. Control

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Chapter 8 ∣  Control


He's strong.

I lean against the porch post, my arms crossed in front of my chest while I watch Cris sitting on the grass with Maverick sitting opposite her. Her blonde hair falls in waves, her white irises are watchful as she uses her peripheral vision, glancing out of the corners of her eyes at the hunters passing by. The sun had risen and fallen once again, the moon just rising over the trees and there is a light coat of snow forming across the ground.

He's stronger than Evicka and I can see why Lucca fears him.

But, he shouldn't. He's just pushing him away and ostracizing him from the coven. Maverick has an innate kind heart, just like his mother, but that can only go so far if his farther continues this path.

Maverick is just so sweet.

I know, Cris, he's a special kid who just needs to learn how to control his emotions and his blood magic a bit better.

Cris glances over to me, her eyes somewhat pleading as she boldly says, I wish we could just keep him here, with us. I do not like what Lucca does to him, even Locaine isn't that cruel.

I know it hurts Cris, once we discovered she couldn't have children. It isn't a bad idea, having Maverick stay with us, but he needs his family...damn it, Lucca! Why can't you just ease off him, he's a good kid.

We can't, I know and hopefully, this time away will help with Maverick and Lucca. Just enjoy the time that we do have with him.

I return her smile with one of my own, Maverick now looking toward me as he asks, "What? What are you talking about?"

Cris turns to face him and scrunches up her face saying, "Wouldn't you like to know," she giggles while she teases him.

"Tell me!!!" Maverick sounds exasperated, but Cris shakes her head. Mischief glints from his eyes and he rises from the grass and lunges at her, tackling her to the ground, "Criiiiiiiiissssss, tellllllllll meeeeeee!" He doesn't stay on top of her that long, Cris rolling over and pinning Maverick to the ground.

There is tension that passes between the wandering hunters, a couple whisper near one building and I shoot them a look, that this isn't aggression, though, in their eyes, they can't tell the difference with who Maverick is.

"Well then," she smiles, standing to her feet and lifting him up with her, "do you really want to know?"

His eyes widen, Cris flipping him upside down and holding him by his right ankle, his head just inches above the ground.

"Put me down!" Maverick cries out, swing his arms, but Cris just laughs harder, tears springing to her eyes. I can't help but chuckle softly to myself, watching how that in moments like this, he really can act just like a regular kid.

Flipping him once more, she sets him on the ground, leaning her face down and close to his. She softly plans a gentle kiss against his cheek and whispers, "I wish you could stay here...with us."

She pulls away from him, Maverick standing in shock as he places his hand against his cheek, his voice startled when he says, "N-No one wants me around."

"That's not true," Cris smiles, "we'll always be here for you. I promise."

Pushing away from the porch post, I walk down the wooden steps, the snow crunching beneath my boots until I stand next to the two of them. Cris turns to me, giving me a quick kiss before squeezing Maverick's shoulder, saying, "Relax, Maverick. Orion has been through a lot, being on his own before finally being accepted, he and you have a lot more in common than you think."

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