Book 4⌇35. Close, But Not Close Enough

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Chapter 35 ∣  Close, But Not Close Enough


"Whenever you're ready," Locaine is still receiving seething glares from Annika, her body tensing.

Is she really this angry with him?

He's not going to seriously hurt me... he?

Either way...I end up winning this...

Taking one step forward, my skin becoming slightly translucent as I feel that pull to the comfortable shadows...though I am thrown off guard. Locaine had rushed forward, punching me square in the jaw, while my body flies backward at his incredible power.

Nice, he isn't even going to let me take hold of the one advantage I have. He's quicker than my parents, almost on par when my father is dematerialized. I never expected this, so I have no anticipation of his next move, following up when my back slams into the tree trunk from his strike.

He is in front of me, my eyes widening before he brings his knee up and catches me in the stomach. Gritting my teeth, I glare at him, his cocky smirk starting to irritate me. Throwing my right fist at him, he takes hold of my wrist with one hand and with the other, he takes hold of my elbow.

The air leaves my lungs when he flips me, my back hitting the ground as I stare up at him in a daze.

I guess this is what Annika meant. How would she know about his games? That's a story they'll never tell, always evading our questions as we grew up, never revealing the truth behind their relationship.

My eyes shift to a crimson red, quickly reaching my free arm up, snatching his wrist that holds mine while bending my knees and pushing off the ground. With his strength, he doesn't go down, something I am hoping for when I use his body to flip backward, my shins locking around the sides of his neck.

Screaming, I use every ounce of my strength to overthrow this pureblood that had turned out to be out of my league. Throwing him over, we both land hard on our backs, but my shins let go of him and I kick my heels down into his chest. He lets go of my wrist, my grip on him fading as I get to my feet, his chuckle filling the air as he lies there.

I arch a brow, taken aback by his reaction.

Hearing Annika sigh, my attention is drawn to her, my body relaxing for just a moment to connect to the shadows, hoping I might be able to gain an advantage.

In the next moment, my breathing is shallow, my heart skipping a beat when I snap my head back to where Locaine had been, only he isn't there anymore. I feel his breath near my ear, stating, "Well, at least you know how to counter quite well."

He forces my right wrist behind my back, climbing up my spine and making me scream. It is my father and mother that I hear, coming from the back door of the mansion and moving toward Annika. They are extremely mad, talking loudly to her, but my blood is pounding in my ears, too loud for me to even focus on what they are saying.

Swiftly lowering my knees, I spine in his hold and right as I come out of my tactic, he quickly brings me back, so I am staring up into his eyes. My wrist is still locked in his grip, clutched between the two of us.

"Now what?" He asks, and I've had just about enough of his taunting, staying one step ahead of me.


...let's do something you'll never see coming.

My boot leaves the ground as I pull my knee up fast, connecting with his groin and making him hiss. He loosens his grip, and I bring my boot back down, rocking backward before pushing off the ground and snapping my head back. When his eyes flash to mine, my forehead crashes into his and it sends him staggering back, making Annika and my parents go silent.

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