Book 4⌇29. I'll Never Again...

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Chapter 29 ∣  I'll Never Again...


Snapping out of my thoughts, my father's arms had once been wrapped around my stomach in a hug, but it slowly shifts. The palm of his right hand is placed flat against my skin, his other hand holding me still.

I am in a panic.

I don't know what is going on, only that there might be something wrong with me and my fear of what it could possibly is confirmed at this moment.

I've never seen the look that crosses my mother's features, the visible shift in her eyes is undeniable that something makes her furious.

She never loses control.


Yet here she is, her eyes lifting to my side and staring at my father with only words spoken through their private connection. The water moves gently around our forms as the calm before the storm appears to be closing in.

How I wish I didn't feel like the one being iced out. If only I could communicate with Maverick, because he also looks unsure, the tension growing with each second that passes.

Jumping lightly at the growl that comes from the back of his throat, I freeze when the words that he finally speaks leaves his lips, "If you and Maverick had sex, I'm going to kill him."

Goosebumps covered my skin, Maverick's face is in shock, not sure how he could have figured that out. It grows slightly pale, his heart skipping a beat, my mother's eyes leave my father's, her body turning beneath the water as she glares at Maverick.

"I-I-we-" Maverick's words form hard in his throat, trying to speak but nothing makes sense. I am speechless, my throat runs dry, trying to remember how to breathe. "I-It was...I-I'm so s-sorry," he finally manages to get out.

"Sorry for what?" My father's hands slowly leave my body and I know he is going to attack Maverick, "Sorry for fucking her? Or are you sorry for getting her pregnant?"

"P-Pregnant?" Maverick's eyes widen further, his eyes landing on mine. I thought it is just something about me growing up...or something that is linked to being an assassin, feeling the very faint beat of a second heart. I didn't think anything of it...

My mother glowers, "You didn't even use protection..." her eyes shifting to me next, "...either of're just kids!"

"Teenagers who have no idea how playing grown-up ends," I feel so ashamed, hearing the words continue to fly from my parent's mouths, my father's presence flickering in and out and I know what is about to happen next.

This is just as much my decision as Maverick's.

I won't let him kill Maverick over this.

It's not the end of the world...

He is gone. My father's existence flickering out and I try to swim forward through the water, but my mother takes hold of my upper arm and draws me closer to her. "Let go of me!" I yell, feeling the sting at the bridge of my nose, as what can only happen next will bring nothing but tears.

"No!" I've never heard this innate stern power coming from her. It is almost like I am forced to stay with her, but I won't let this happen. I can't...

"Maverick, run!" I try to pry my mother's fingers that are gripping my arm tightly, her strength of a different level than mine.

He pauses for a moment, our eyes locking, and he knows this is it...

...this was the last time we will see each other.

I am about to lose my best friend, the one person I've grown so close to, and even fallen in love with. I knew it wouldn't last, but it was always nice to dream you'd have a happily ever after, but that is reserved for fairy tales and princesses.

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