Unexpected Visitor

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Two weeks after funeral

I shove a fork full of spaghetti and meatball in my mouth and swallow. It's like I haven't eaten for weeks! That's because I haven't.

After my fathers death, I practically starved myself. I didn't eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. If I felt like I was about to pass out, I would eat a granola bar to hold me over for the next few days. It got so bad that I had to go to the ER yesterday. I came back home tonight. When I shoved that first bite down my throat, my mom smiled.

Two plates of spaghetti later, I jumped in bed. Before I shut the light off, my mom came in.

"Hi sweetie. How are you feeling?"

I sat up. "Fine. I'm sorry I did all that. I miss dad. Some people say I shouldn't but, I do."

My mom shook her head. "No sweetie you can miss him. Those people don't know what happened to him. He's been through a lot through his younger days. Even before the accident, he had problems."

"What happened mom? In his younger days?"

She took a deep breath. "His father abused him. It got so bad that he ran away. He had nowhere to go. And this was when he was, uh, 15, I think. He would come to school with bruises, saying he fell down or bumped his head. That's how we met." She chuckled. "One thing led to another and we had you. You know, later on though. He went through a stage of depression. He almost killed himself. Then he died in that crash."

A single tear rolled down her face.

"Mom it's okay." I pulled her close and gave her a hug.

After a few moments, she stood up. "Well, it's late. You oughta go to sleep."

I nodded. We said goodnight and I turned out the light. As I was about to go to sleep, I heard my phone buzz. I groaned and snatched it from my dresser. I saw it was a text. I opened it.

Look out your window cupcake.

Those words sent chills down my spine. I gulped and walked toward my window. The blinds were shut so I slowly lifted one up. I saw a black truck parked on the rode outside my window. As soon as I was about to go back to bed, I saw the truck door swing open. A tall shadowy figure got out, and looked dead at me. He walked closer to the house. He looked up at the window and smiled. His teeth were whiter than printer paper. Wait, white teeth? As he walked closer, I could finally make out his face. Blake.

I backed up and went in my bed. My mom was still up too. Maybe he won't knock.

I heard the door bell ring a few moments later. I jumped up and closed my door. I locked it and pushed my desk in front of it. I heard the front door open. I put my ear on the floor so I could listen to what's going on downstairs.

"Hi you must be Cathy's mom. I'm Victor. We go to school together. I know it's a bit late but, I have a paper I need to give to her. We have a project due next week when school starts back up. May I see her?"

I heard her say 'yeah she's right upstairs.'

I heard the foot steps get louder. I moved the desk back to its original position and unlocked the door. I hopped back in bed and closed my eyes. I heard my door creak open.

"Is it okay if I wake her up?" I heard him say to my mom.

"Of course! Just shake her." My mom yelled from downstairs.

His foot steps became louder until they came to a stop. My breathing became heavier as my heart rate sped up. I felt a cold hand touch my arm.

"Cathy?" I heard him say.

I opened my eyes and rolled over. His gray eyes met with mine.

He smiled. "You are so gorgeous."

He grabbed my hand. It's almost like he put me in a trance. I put my feet on the floor and stood up. He let go of my hand and put both on my shoulders. He trailed his way down do my hips. He made sure that his eyes met every inch of my body.

"What do you want?" I asked.

He grinned. "This."

With great force, he pulled my hips toward him. He let one hand stay on my hip, the other going to my head. He leaned in and put his lips on mine. His lips against mine felt so wrong, yet right at the same time. I started to kiss back, and I felt him smile. After a few long minutes, he pulled back and gave me a piece of folded paper.

"See you later."

He walked out of the room. I fell of my bed. I looked at the piece of paper. I unfolded it.

Meet me at the park tomorrow at noon.

I put it under my phone and laid down. I couldn't sleep the whole night. As I was about to fall asleep, I saw the sunlight peak through my window.

Well, it's tomorrow.

About six hours until noon.

Until Blake.

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