New Girl in a New School

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I sat up and yawned. I slowly looked at my clock and pushed the off button. I slung my feet off the bed and onto the floor. I stood up and groggily made my way to the bathroom, plugging in my straightener and brushing my hair. I went to my dresser and threw on my Black Parade T-shirt and skinny jeans. I put on my black Vans, and headed to the bathroom to straighten my hair. After putting on my makeup, I grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs.

My mom looked up at me from the kitchen table and frowned. "You're wearing that?"

I looked down at my shirt. "Yeah? You can never say no to MCR."

"Well, I know I can. Black eyeliner? Really? You look so.... So...."

I looked around and back at her. "'So' what?"

"So dark!"

I chuckled. "Okay. Well, I'm going to grab a pop tart and catch the bus. Okay?" 

I went to the pantry and got strawberry pop tarts. As I was about to leave my mom called me back to the table.

"Can we talk for a sec?" She asked.

I nodded and sat down.

"I just want you to think about your appearance. You look so dark and emo. Like, can you-"

"Mom." I interrupted. "First off, emo means emotional. And I am emotional! Secondly, I've always dressed like this. I'm being myself. Please don't categorize me."

"Sweetie I just want you to try new things!"

I sighed. "You know what mom? Say whatever you want. I just want to have a good day at school."

I got up and went out the door. The bus stopped right when I got out there. I slowly got on. The bus driver looked at me and smiled. I looked at the seats. Almost all of them were full. As I passed the seats. Everyone gave me dirty looks. I saw one empty by this guy. I smiled and almost sat down.

"Seat is taken." He said in his country accent.

I frowned and moved to the back. There was a one person seat empty. I sat there and hugged my back pack. 

About 5 minutes later, we arrived to my  new school. I was the last one off the bus. I walked up the steps of the school and through the front doors. When I walked in, I felt all eyes on me. I heard some whispers, some fake coughs saying 'emo', 'goth', and 'creep.' I sped up my pace and went to my homeroom. I got my schedule and sat down.

The announcements came on. I barely listened to them. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around. It was a boy with black hair and grey eyes. He smiled.

"Hi! You must be new. What's your name?" He questioned.

I smiled. "Cathy. Nice to meet you. And yours?"

"Michael. People call me Mikey though."

The inside of my brain lit up. The first thing I thought was Mikey Way. Good lord I'm obsessed!

"Hi Michael."

He looked at my shirt and had a surprised look on his face.

"You like My Chemical Romance?"

A person who likes my music? "Yeah! I love them. I also like Green Day, Cage the Elephant, Arctic Monkeys, Black Veil Brides-"

He cut me off. "I hate those bands. Their songs have no meaning!"

I got furious. "Excuse me but last time I checked these bands save people's lives!"

I turned around and put my head in my hands. The bell rang and a paper ball was thrown at me. I open the paper ball up and saw in big bold letters 'emo little outcast.' I crumbled the ball back up, threw in the trash, and ran to my first period. Today was going to be a bad day.


I ran off of the bus and went through my front door. I ran upstairs, went into my room, and slammed my door closed. I took some deep breaths and started to cry. Tears flowed down my cheeks and started to soak my shirts. My eyeliner started to smear, but I didn't care.

I went on my computer and went on a chat site where you can talk to anyone. I went to see if my friends were online, but they weren't. As I was going to ex out of the page, I got a message. A message from someone I didn't know.

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