When You Least Expect It

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I didn't talk to Blake the next day. Or the day after that. I didn't talk to him for the entire week. I kept getting messages from him on the website and my phone. He tried calling me too. He left me voice messages as well.

Cathy I know you are listening to this. Why won't you answer me? Please I want to talk to you! I want to hear your beautiful voice. I love you. So much. I love you.

I clicked the 'delete' button on my iPhone and threw it on my bed. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I just sat there and breathed. I have done so many wrong things to make him happy.

My phone startled me as my 'This Is How I Disappear' ringtone started to play. I looked at the caller ID. Blake. I clicked deny and stood up. As I reached the door, I heard the alarm that meant I had a voicemail. I went back to the bed and snatched up my phone. I held the phone to my ear to listen to the voice message.

Cathy, if you're not going to answer me, then I'm going to have to find you. I'm going to be visiting your house when you least expect it. Be ready hun. I'm coming to town.

My eyes widened. My stomach started to turn. The words kept replaying in my mind. Least expect it? I carefully put my phone on the bed and walked to the bathroom. As I stepped in the bathroom, I quickly lifted the toilet seat and puked. I was choking and spitting so loud, my mom ran in.

"Oh my goodness Cathy!"

She started to rub my back. After a minute, I stood up and grabbed my toothbrush.

"Are you sick dear?" My mom curiously asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know ma. I think I just ate something and it didn't agree with my stomach."

"Ok, well, you need to lay down and rest."

She led me to my bed and pulled back the covers. I threw my body on the bed and covered up.

My mom patted my leg and kissed my forehead. "Love you." She smiled.

"Love you too."

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Cathy's dream

I was in a dark room.


My voice echoed through the empty space.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped my head around to see nothing. Then I felt someone tug a piece of hair.

"Who's there?"

I heard a faint chuckle.

I felt a pair of hands grasp my hips.

"Hey sugar lips."

I gasped. "Blake?"

He chuckled. "Yeah?"

"Get your hands off of me."

He sighed. "I told ya I would be visiting. Now I get to do whatever I want."

I felt a pair of warm lips hit my icy neck. He trailed up to my lips and started to kiss them very roughly.

He pulled back and smiled. Then, he spun me around and put a gun to my head.

"I love you." He said with a laugh.

Then I heard a bang.

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