Descriptions and Depictions

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I slowly open my eyes the next morning. Luckily today was Saturday, so no school! I put my feet on the icy wooden floor and wiggled my toes. I stretched one arm at a time and stood up. I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my hair. I looked at the time. 8:30. My mom and dad were at work most likely.

That's the reason we had to move. My mom had become a big-time surgeon and my dad got a job at a liquor store. That means discounted alcohol for him.


I peaked in their room and down stairs to see if they were home. No sign of them here. I rushed upstairs and got on the chat sight. I saw flyguy227 was on. I quickly typed a greeting.

Musicfreak97: greetings mr. Flyguy227!

It took him a while to answer, but finally he did.

Flyguy227: hey girly! What's shakin' bacon?

I giggled at that statement.

Musicfreak97: nothing really... Wby?

Flyguy227: nothing.... So, what about we tell each other about, you know, our appearance and stuff?

Musicfreak97: ok, um, I have blonde hair, blue eyes with gold specks, freckles, and very pale...

Flyguy227: oh yeah... You sound really sexy.

Um, sexy? I shrugged at the statement.

Musicfreak97: um, thanks?

Flyguy227: np. How tall are you?

Musicfreak97: uh, about 5' 11"

Flyguy227: skinny, big?

Musicfreak97: uh, medium?

Flyguy227: as in you have a little bit of chubbiness?

Musicfreak97: I guess yeah...

Flyguy227: don't be ashamed. You sound beautiful!

Beautiful? First sexy now beautiful? I blushed.

Flyguy227: bra size?


Bra size?!

I looked down at my chest. I mean, I have pretty big boobs... But I don't like them.

It's not like I'm ever going to see him.

Musicfreak97: 36 D

Flyguy227: mmm that's nice.

That comment made me shiver.

Musicfreak97: why'd you wanna know?

Flyguy227: I want to imagine your whole body. I want to see you on a webcam or something.

Musicfreak97: why don't you give me your phone # and I can send a pic?

Flyguy227: ok. It's 765-888-0965.

Musicfreak97: ok. It'll arrive in a sec.

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