chapter-5We meet a again

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chapter-5. *We meet a Again*
Six years later...
" Come now...don't give me that puppy eye Alexander, you said you're a big guy already... give mommy some kisses before you go inside. " I said to my son who is now a five-year-old little "smart guy" I'm not bragging but he exceeded in K2(kindergarten 2) and was now on P1 or (Primary-1) as he can read and write already.
This is the first time that I'm letting him out of my sight and  I'm a little bit anxious but I force myself to be strong and not let tears fall in my eyes. I know it will just make things harder for me and my son at this moment.
He has never been to school so he's crying right now seeing me letting him go.
" Mommy... Will you still come back? " he said with a crooked voice, that tore my heart apart.
"Baby listen, Mommy will always come back for you. Later you'll see I'll be right here when you finish with your class..." I smile at him as I kiss his forehead. He looks me straight in the eyes before showing his cute little, pinky finger.
"Pinky promise ?" He said. I smiled back at him and did our pinky promise.
"Pinky go to your teacher...I love you, big guy..." I said to him while slowly pushing him to go inside.
"I love you too Mommy..." He said to me before turning around and walking to his classroom.
I quickly walked away when I saw the teacher close the door.
I took a deep breath to calm myself.
You did well Alec.
I said to myself.
It's been six years since the last time I saw his father.
But it's the same as we never parted ways. Every day I can see him through the small little form of my son.
They have the same facial features. A warm feeling touches my heart, I never regret the night I gave myself to him...
But I live it that way, I don't know him personally but many times I  can see his face in the business magazine.
At the age of 30, he is one of the richest bachelors in America.
He owns a lot of business and he is well-known and respected in the business world.
Clyde Harlington.
I murmured his name in the thin air. My strand of thought was cut off when I heard my phone ringing.
I opened my bag and answered the call.
"Hello, Auntie Lilian. What's the matter..." I asked her.
"Hello Alec, I think we have a problem here, are you done in the school...?" she asked with a shaky voice.
"Yes Auntie, I'm on my way now...what's the problem?" I asked her worriedly.
"Later, honey it can't be said on the phone. Just hurry ok.." And with that, she cut off the line...
My heart starts to beat faster...
It's got to be a big problem, I never heard my Auntie with a shaky voice, she's always on the 'positive side' even when she knows my baby has no father, and my parents turn their back on me, she was still positive about me. She's the reason why I can stand up again and be this strong after all that happened to me.
After fifteen minutes I arrived at my Auntie's two-story rented apartment.
I quickly headed inside and saw a man in a suit, scanning him. I guess he is around in his thirties. He sat on the couch in the living room, but he stood up when he saw me.  I walk to him and he reaches for my hand introducing himself.
"Good Morning Miss.Morgan, I'm Attorney Reid, the legal consultant of Mr. Clyde Harlington...
I came here to give you a notice that Mr. Harlington will file a petition to have his son in his custody.." He said it like it was nothing but to me, it was like a time bomb. He was still saying something but I can't hear it anymore.
My breathing became heavy and my sight became blank, I felt the cold sweat coming out of my skin and my body became like sandpaper.
What happened next I don't remember anymore.
I woke up and found myself laying on the couch.
I quickly went up remembering the reason why I collapsed.
I saw Auntie Lilian sitting next to me with sad teary eyes.
When I looked around I saw the Attorney was still there.
I took a deep breath lifting out my body from the couch when I felt my knees and body were stable.
It's time to face him.
A love of a mother harbors me, and anger flickers in my heart.
Who the hell does he think he is to claim my son whom he never saw and never cared for six fucking years...
"Please follow me, Mr. Reid.." I told the man he called himself an attorney.
Before I walked to the kitchen I glanced back at my Auntie..
" Auntie Lilian please go upstairs... I'll handle this, don't worry... " I said to her reassuring her everything will be alright.
" Will you be alright dear? "she asked me very much worried.
I responded with a smile and nod.
" Everything will be alright, don't worry I'll fix this " I reassured her,
Auntie Lilian stood up and hugged me tight.
After our moment of hugging, I waited for my auntie to be upstairs before walking straight to the kitchen.
" How can you be sure that my son is his son? " I asked him while serving him and myself a glass of water.
I saw him take a small envelope in his bag and hand it to me.
I quickly grab it and open it. My hand is shaking seeing an old photo of a boy at the age of five.
Which is a complete carbon copy of my son right now.
I glanced back at him and he handed me another envelope.
I open it with a shaky hand, I gasp loudly when I see a D.N.A. test stating that Clyde is indeed the father of my son.
I look back at Mr. Reid with a puzzled look. Which he quickly understands.
" Pleased, Ms. Morgan, take a seat first.. I'll tell you everything you wanted to know and everything Mr. Harlington demands.." he said. I pull the chair in front of me and sit in.
" How did he find out that I have a baby with him? I never told him about it and I never informed him who I am and my whereabouts. " I asked dumbfounded.
" There's nothing impossible for a man with lots of connections Ms. Morgan, and to Mr. Harlington it's easy.. Have you forgotten that you left your phone number to him..he did receive your note but that was after four months because he went to fix some business problem in Europe. You were gone and nobody, even your best friend, told us where you were. " Mr. Reid explains.
"Ok, let's say that he has that much connection but your explanation didn't answer my question, Mr. Reid, how did he know he had a son? and how did he get a D.N.A. from my son? " I clench my teeth while waiting for his answer.
He took a sip from the glass of water I gave to him before talking back to me.
" Mr.Harlington found you when you were six months pregnant and started following all that you have been doing for the last six years... He didn't show up earlier and let you know that he knows everything because he needs to fix all of his business problems first and a crisis inside his family..about your son's DNA we already know and you know it too Ms. Morgan. It is easy to run a test like that.. just like me drinking a glass of water here " he meaningfully said in his very professional voice.
His right. They can easily do it, but if he knows about us, why didn't he show up to even help me support his son, why now?
I looked back to Mr. Reid, I need to know the answer.
"Why only now? Why not from before? I mean if he wants to be a father to my son he should be normally supporting him... Please don't get me wrong, we live and survive for six years without help from him. " I proudly said to him. I heard him clear his throat before answering my question.
"Are you sure you didn't receive help from Mr.Harlington? I saw some files from him stating he's the one that bought your Aunties small cafeteria with a bigger sum of money than the price your aunt was selling it for. And how about this house you are living in right now?
I saw that Mr. Harlington is the owner of this place and you're renting it for a very cheap price..and how about your work in the office as a clerk, I saw Mr. Harlington was the owner of that business and your salary was exemplary higher than the usual clerk salary... So tell me, Ms. Morgan, was that not a way of helping you? "
Now it was me who was taken aback by all that he said.
I felt like I'm gonna faint again from all the revelations that were unfolding in front of me. I should have known about it.
It's so strange that everything went so easily in our life these past six years. I thought I was just lucky, that's why I can have a job with a big salary ... And this apartment I just thought the owner just wanted somebody to rent it.
Though I know he can make it more pricey as it still looks new with a modern design.
Now everything makes sense..!
I stared back at Mr. Reid when he handed me again another envelope.
"And what is this all about?" I asked him, scared to find more shit that can be thrown at me.
"Open it, Ms. Morgan, it's an offer coming from Mr. Harlington, if you sign it we will not pursue and file a petition for the custody of your son." Mr. Reid said.
Slowly and carefully I bring out the papers inside the envelope and read it carefully.
Reading it, my mouth fell open.
What's inside is a contract paper stating his demands. At the end of the last paper, my hand is trembling from the frustration that's building up in my system.
The contract states that I need to marry Clyde and follow all that he wants and everything that he demands and wishes me to do. It states also that I can't say no and lastly, it states also that I'm marrying him but can't ever divorce him.
This is a bullshit contract..!
Who in the right state of mind would make this kind of stupid contract which I doubt maybe even the court won't accept?
I look at Mr. Reid furiously.
"Are you a licensed lawyer? Does this contract been approved and exists?" I mock him. He got to be kidding me with this paper.
"Yes. It is approved by the law and I'm an approved lawyer that passes the bar exam. For your information, Ms. Morgan. If you don't sign and agree with this contract, you will lose this house and your job. I bet it will be a big problem once we file a petition for the custody of your son... You know the rules here in our country.
Who has a stable  job and house will have custody of the child.." He said in an imposing tone.
I stamp my hand furiously on the table together with the contract paper.
Did I hear it all correctly..?!
That damn, Clyde is blackmailing me...!
" This is absurd Mr. Reid, you are blackmailing me..! " I yell at him.
I don't give a damn even if he's a lawyer..! All of this is bullshit!
" Calm down. Ms. Morgan, please think about this carefully and I hope you don't make a stupid decision.. I'll be living now. Thank you for your time. " He said, standing up from the chair and heading for the main door.
I walk with him still thinking about everything . I halt when he stops on his track and turns around to face me again.
What now?!
" By the way Ms. Morgan, I think around this time Mr. Harlington picked up your son at the school to bring him to his house...  " My mouth fell open from what he said.
" No..! He can't do that..! That's against the law..! You know that too..?!" I said hysterical already.
What the fuck is wrong with me today?!
Why is everything's is so fuck up!
Right now I have this urge to smack Mr. Reid's face..!
Fuck this lawyer..! and that damn bastard Clyde..!
" Ohh...! Just in time Ms. Morgan, here's the proof"
He said mockingly, handing me his phone. I saw Clyde with my son who was smiling happily while holding a miniature spider man.
" If you want to see your son today, I think you should come with me, Ms. Morgan. " He said to me before claiming back his phone in my hand. He starts to walk and opens the door.
Panic rushes through me. I quickly run grabbing my shoulder bag and calling my auntie, letting her know that I'm going with Mr. Reid. After that, I quickly headed outside and saw him waiting in a black Mercedes car...
He opens the door at the passenger side and lets me in.
Wait for me Alexander, Mommies coming to get you.

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