Chapter 9

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"A fiancé?" Asher Blau sneers. "She doesn't have a fiancé."

"Not that you are aware of, apparently," I mutter, stretching my back on the chair.

"So you're telling me you're useless, then?"

"It's obviously an arrangement for business and appearances, your sister is clearly not into men — we haven't seen either of them frequenting each other's house's during this time period."

"Yet you have yet to make any progress," he says, lighting up a cigarette.

"I don't think you give your sister enough credit as to how smart she is... her driver is also a problem."

He looks at me from the corner of his eye, taking a drag from his cigarette, and blowing the smoke in my direction. "That doesn't change anything," he says. "Get the job done."

"I need time."

"Time is money, Eretz," he says simply. "And I'm not paying you to waste my time."

I clench my jaw. "Give me one more month."

He takes another drag, tilting his head as he looks at me. He lets out the smoke slowly, tapping his fingers against the desk. "I'll give you two weeks."

"One month," I repeat. "For a job well done — rushing will only open ways of it to be traceable back to you."

Asher looks at me in silence. "Alright," he sighs, flicking the cigarette into the ashtray. "One more month."

I nod, getting up without another word. "Oh," he adds as I reach the door. "Don't come back until you actually have something of value, yeah?"

I bite down on my tongue, exiting the office without a second glance.

Eve hasn't come to get her coffee this morning at the coffee shop — I'm not sure if I overstepped yesterday, every step forward feels like a step back. But maybe I'm overthinking, and she just had to go straight to work this morning. I'll only know for sure if she shows up at the gym later today... I never thought I'd need to be dealing with damage control just for a little bit of teasing.

But what concerns me the most, is the fact that she is in a relationship, even if for convenience. Eve doesn't seem like the type to cheat, for more reasons than morality — in the position she is in, she has no room for mistakes. So even if I am able to sway her, there is no telling if she'll actually go through with it.

If I am to proceed with the mission, Abel has to be out of the picture... Eve might have her values set in stone, but does he?

"Ari*, haven't you been asking too much of me?" Rut raises her eyebrows. "I'm a courtesan, not a prostitute."

*Eretz is called by different names depending on who she is talking to: Eretz — as a spy | Yael — undercover | Ari — unrelated.

I lean back on my chair, watching as she plays with her lipstick on the table. "You said you'd do anything," I say, looking around the small coffee shop. "You own me big time."

"Yeah, I know," she sighs, leaning closer. "But come on, you've gotta give me something, I'm putting my reputation on the line here," she says, rubbing her thumb over the edge of the lipstick tube. "If you really want me to help you with this, then you need to make it worth my while."

I tighten my lips, glancing at the clock behind her head. "I'm paying you."

"It's not about the money," she shakes her head. "If I don't deliver, then what? No one trusts whores."

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