Chapter 4

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I sit on the floor, my back against the wall, and my legs stretched out in front of me. I lean my head back, staring at the ceiling as Liora climbs up my shirt. "Did you know that geckos can live up to 20 years as pets? More than most dogs and cats. Silent creatures, these things... some may argue they're not as cuddly as other pets, but I do not concur — Liora is as attached as a loyal dog, does a few tricks too... some days."

"You're going insane, Eretz," Yousef comments, his voice coming through the speaker of my phone.

"I'm perfectly sane."

"How many hours a day do you spend talking to that thing?"

I shrug, even though he can't see me. "Can you do it or not?"

"Do you think I'm a machine? You call me at any hour of the day demanding things, it's 4 in the morning. I'm tired, woman."

"Are you going to keep complaining all night? It's also 4 in the morning for me, man," I mimic him, feeling Liora crawl around my neck, making me shiver.

"Security is pretty tight in events like this. This isn't your run-of-the-mill millionaire gathering with red carpets, photographers, designer dresses and expensive cars as a way of flaunting wealth to the commoners. These people don't want to be in the public eye, they don't want to mingle with just anyone. It's all about business." he says, yawning. "Which means not only does everyone know each other on a personal level, but there will for sure be tons of people trying to get Eve's attention... and for all we know she may accept it for the sake of business. She seems like the calculated type, and to be honest, I don't see this woman marrying anyone for love."

"Yousef, if you don't want to go around serving appetizers in a tray, just say that."

"Why me?"

"You told me you could very well be a spy yourself. Here's your chance to prove it."

"Not like this!"

"We all have to start somewhere, don't be a wuss."

He groans on the other line. "Fine."

"The event is in a few days, we better get a move on," I say, getting up from the floor. "Talk to Avera, he'll hook you up with the event caterers... hopefully. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, yeah, goodnight."

I toss my phone on the bed, walking up to Liora's cage, and plopping her inside. "Don't give me that look, I'm not going to be your human climbing gym all night," I mutter.

She stares at me, sticking her tongue out and licking one of her eyeballs. Gross.

"Goodnight," I close the cage.

"I see that you are already a member of our gym, did you like it that much that you want to work here?" the man asks as he tours me around the facilities.

"Well, I already wanted to work here and then decided to see it for myself first, and I'm impressed," I nod, looking around. "I've noticed the lack of female trainers," I add. "It seems to me like a perfect opportunity to fill in that gap."

"I must ask why only part-time?" he turns to me, raising his eyebrows.

"Family obligations," I say simply.

He hums, "And what do you think about the pay?"

"I think it's adequate for the work."

"When can you start?"

"As soon as possible," I answer without missing a beat.

He nods, extending a hand towards me. "Welcome aboard, Ms. Hanani."

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