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"Ma'am, what about this one?"

A soft melodic tune graced the majestic ballroom after his words and Claire Sanders sighed. "It's alright. The elites won't like fast music anyway. Their taste and mine still don't match."

"Then play whatever you want." A new familiar voice greeted from behind her as she felt a firm hand wrap around her waist.

Claire turned around in his arms, her slightly round stomach getting in the way and smiled. "I want tonight to be perfect and having your two faced society judging me isn't part of that perfect."

"Has anyone said anything to you, Claire? Who? Tell me now!"

She laughed, still not getting over at how his protectiveness greeted her out of nowhere.

Tyler Sanders still hadn't changed much except for his hair growing two inch long and the many laughing lines on his once stoic face.

"I love you." Claire said in between her laughs, smoothing out his frown by her hand.

His hands splayed around her silk dress at her waist, pulling her smack against him and skimmed her nude lips, barely kissing her though the small package in her belly wouldn't let them hug properly. Few months more and they wouldn't be able to hug at all.

"I love you too." He replied then pinched her on the back, earning himself a cute squeak. "And I thought I told you I hate birthday parties."

The woman in blush evening dress once again looked around the ballroom, noting the elegance it portrayed. She didn't miss the judging looks she still got from the people, at her intimate pose with her husband in public.

But who cares? This one they can judge but I still won't stop, Claire stated in her mind.

The small round table with a two story cake, which she herself made was the only thing Tyler liked from tonight.

After Tyler married her, he started having a sweet tooth but only ate whatever delights she made and she made a lot of them since her Catering Sweet business from home was booming.

Though second batch of everything was a must on her list because hiding the cakes and pastries from a grown man and a little girl was impossible.

And speaking of little girl..

"Where is Lydia?"

The proud dad gestured behind her back with his head and she glanced at the buffet table of desserts.

Smothering a groan, she dropped her head on her husband's chest because in front of that table was Lydia and her squads of eight and nine years olds stuffing as much sugar as they want in their mouth.

"I swear one day you both will be more fat than me. Just wait for it!" She mumbled in his custom made suit.

Shaking his head, Tyler leaned her back and grinned, placing a hand on her stomach. "You're not fat. You're pregnant. There's a difference and even if you were fat, I'd still want you. You've bewitched me, Mrs. Sanders."

And just like that, a similar grin appeared on Claire's face.

After marrying Tyler Sanders, she felt her confidence rise higher and higher but not to the point of being cocky instead to the point where unwanted words from people wouldn't dictate her emotions.

The Summer Bride (TSBS-1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now