Chapter Twelve

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Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.
- James Stephens.

Claire Bishop

The day Tyler Sanders came in my life had to be one of the best day for me.

There was a chance for me to be happy. To make a life for myself. To make a life with a little girl who looked up to me as a child would to their mother. To make a life with a man who would give me the place of his wife but the constant wall around his heart would always be there. The wall which didn't let him get close to me.

Alone with my thoughts, I had been thinking. I had been going all over the things that happened between Tyler and me since the moment we met. There had been unknown sizzling between us. There had been moments when we just unintentionally touched each other and felt those tingles shooting throughout our body.

There was no denying Tyler felt that. He definitely felt that tug whenever we touched because he immediately moved away from me, from that touch. He would always go back to that shell of him whenever we get close to each other, even by just talking.

Like what happened few days back at the restaurant. He was being sweet and he wasn't even aware of it. My blasted mouth had to inform him and that made him turn away. Life could be so cruel sometimes. It threw a reliable guy at me but that guy had a complex mind of his own. So hard to understand. Were all businessman like these? Hard to understand them? Hmm, Could be. I had never been a curious person but this obnoxious man made me really curious about him, curious to know what had happened to turn him into however he was now.

Had his wife's death been that painful to affect him? He might had loved her. It was hard to imagine a guy like him to love someone so deeply.

The ache in my chest whenever I thought about his love for his late wife came back to me at once. So cruel of me to be jealous of a dead woman. Why was I even jealous? It wasn't like I liked this dead woman's husband. Was it? No! It wasn't.

Yeah, be in denial.

Shuddering from the inner taunts, I turned away from the laundry that I was doing. I took the basket of clothes and walked out the laundry room to climb up the stairs to my apartment.

The sun had already set. No more sunshine on the sky. I couldn't believe I had sat idle in my place the whole day. Since there was no work for me, the day went away slaking. I hadn't heard from Tyler after the call he gave me this morning.

Now a days, the morning alarm for me was the ringtone of my phone. Maybe I should get used to it. I didn't know how I sounded but I sure as hell knew I might had been cranky. That guy interrupted my relaxing slumber! He deserved to had a cranky lady upon him. I loved my sleep far too much.

No matter how my morning started, my day went away with me reading books, trying out new goodies in my oven since I seemed to lose my dream of opening a bakery and ignoring the magazine dropped by Brandon on his way to work as directed by Chloe. I knew our outing yesterday had to be in that magazine but I had no intention of looking at it and getting irritated by it then go all super cranky at the guy responsible for it. Thus, the magazine still looking lonely at my coffee table.

I dropped the basket of clothes on the bed and started folding those. Halfway through, my ringtone yet again disturbed me. Since I knew I had no friends, there was only Chloe, my parents or Tyler that would be calling me. There was no force that could've stopped my fast movement to get to the phone when Tyler's name crossed my mind.

And it was his name that lightened up on my screen.

I clicked the answer button to have the phone pressed against my ear. "Hello?"

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