Part 25

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We arrive and everything is silent as if God had silenced the world for 5 minutes. The driver gives me a little cell phone for emergency's and drives off. We all begin to walk towards my old house. Crunches and cracks of the leaves breaking beneath our feet are the only awakening noises that pound upon my ears. We get closer and closer to the house and for some reason ..Even though I'm about to meet my "Real" mother. It doesn't excite me. It just makes me think about the cruel disgusting women who chose to give up her children and run back to them for help on her own selfish needs.

We make it to the house and I see a women walking out from behind of the broken glass pile from the shattered windows do to the fire. The tension in the air grew thicker and I could tell that my Ora was setting off a bad vibe. I continue to look at the ground..while I hear her steps get closer.

Then I hear her say..

"My babies"


She charges toward us and hugs us tightly. I immediately tug her off me.

"Get Off! Don't play that innocent act with me." I saw loudly. She raises her right hand and slaps me across the face. A burning sensation races across my cheek as anger a fury begin to build up.

"Dont You Ever Lay Your Dishonest Cruel Hands On Me" I say slowly.

"I'm Your Mother I Can Do-

"You Can't Do Anything To Me. You Continue To Use The "I'm Your Mother" Excuse When You Refuse To Act Like One. A Mother In Others Words Is A Parent, And Your Far From Close For Me To Consider You As One". I say.

I Grab My Bags And Walk Away. "Victoria Where Are You Going?!" Claire yells.

"I'm going back" I say. "Is no use staying here with this women". I continue to walk away stomping my feet into the ground.

"Don't You Want To Cure Your Cancer.." My Mother Yells.

I stop. "What?" I say still having my back facing her.

"I Can Help You" she says in a devious voice.

"Look." I say turning around."What do you want from us anyways? Why did you need me to find you before Mason did?" I say curious. All of her emotions go blank and her face turns pale.

"Come inside and we can talk.." she says. I agree and follow her into a little house about 20 minutes away from the burnt down one. We walk inside and we set down our luggages by the door. The inside of the house had chipped paint on the walls and an uncomfertable feeling. I sit down on the plastic covered sofa and Eric & Claire came along and next to me.

"Are you still mad at me?" Eric says.

"Nows not the right time for this." I say.

I grab Claire and pull her a little closer to me. You never know what this witch of a mother might be thinking of doing. "You guys can settle down and dinner will be ready in 30 minutes." She says in a sweet fake tone. "Shes so sweet" Claire says. I snap my head to the left and say "Are you kidding me? Shes just pertending. Shes trying to act like an inoccent flower when I know shes hiding something that shes scared to say" I respond.

"I think you need to relax" Claire says.

"I think you need Shut up" I respond.

"Cranky.." she whispers

For some reason I have this gut feeling that something is going to happen. It doesnt feel right here. And I wonder what will happen if Mason does meet her again...Since this little brat doesn't want to speak up. I'm going to make her. It's time I give My mother a little suprise visit from the person that she fears the most.

"I'll be right back." I tell Claire and Eric while grabbing my phone.

" And If anything..Eric put that devil in a head lock and Claire I already taught you how to punch."

"Oh mother!" I yell sweetly

"Yes?" she responds

" Im going to go for a walk and get some fresh air." I say acting sick all though I did feel a little weak and had a little bit of a head acke.

"Okay." she says.

"Ok" I respond

I walk out the house and walk a little far into the woods. Continuously looking back just in case anyone was following me. I dial Masons number quickly so my mom wouldn't get suspicious. It begins to ring and ring and ring. Then finally..

"Who Is This" Mason says..

"It's Me. I'm On Your Side Now"

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