Part 22

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Weeks pass by and it all becomes a blur. Different needles and test being planted on me. Day after day finding more strands of hair on my pillow and on my gown. It's crazy how life works. Problems and unexpected occasions in life pop up unknown. I mean theirs no notification that says "Hey Your Going To Get Leukemia Today. Have Fun!" But at the end of it all. Even if the finale is not what I expect it to be, and even if the finish line is near. I have to except the fact that I left my prints on earth & even if I'm terrified I know that the lines on the roads will leave me somewhere and even if it's not where I want to be. I know it's where I am destined to be.

I wake up and see Claire and Eric next to me. "Umm..hi" I say ashamed of my bald head.

"Heey Gummybear!" yells Claire.

"Hey Beautiful" says Eric.

"So how have you been?" I ask hiding all my emotions

 "I think the question is how have YOU been" says Eric.

I sit up, take a deep breath in and say...

 "I know that I'm suppose to ,stay positive, stay strong.. but I'm weak. I can't always be that tough cookie." I say crying. "How am I suppose to keep up my courage and believe that I'm going to get better when my life is sitting on thin ice. I have no mother or father to run to. No parent to sit by my side and say I'm here and I love you. To embrace me in there arms and let me know that everything is going to be alright... Not that I have to explain myself any further" I say.

"My eyes already tell my story, The piercing furry of pain and sorrow rip through my iris and show like how my ribs where exposed the time I had bits and scraps a day because Mason wanted to see how long I could go before gaging and throwing up nothing but the depression and excruciating weakness I had bottled up deep down inside. Humans have been treated like dead rose petals. Uncared for and forgotten. Beaten and bruised like that dark purple color the old petals turn into. Until someone awakens, until someone steps on the dead petal and listens to the crunch and brokenness of a new beginning. The forgotten will remain a thought blown by a harsh wind into the world of the uncared for" I say in a low brutal tone.

"That's How I'm Doing"

~ Heey guys hope you liked this chapter!! <3 Please Vote and Comment <3 Love ya!~


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