Part Three - Chapter Twenty-Three: Introducing the Twins

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Jennifer smiled following after Dolores as they headed to meet their newest grandchild, it had been a long day and they couldn't wait to see the new baby; it had been hard staying away from the hospital. 

However, Cristiano had called them an hour ago to tell them that it was okay for them to bring Elsa to the hospital and they hadn't wasted a moment especially with the official announcement being made shortly after. 

There had been something a little odd with the way that Cristiano had worded the announcement on twitter but Dolores and Jennifer were just happy everything had gone well. 

Elsa had been a little fussy since she had been left with her grandmothers, she didn't know where her parents had gone and she didn't like the fact that they kept whispering when they thought she couldn't hear them. 

Reaching the hospital room, Jennifer shifted her hold on Elsa before Dolores knocked on the door and stepped inside; massive smiles filling their faces at the sight of Eliana in the hospital bed. 

There was a small bundle in Eliana's arms and she looked a lot better than Dolores and Jennifer had expected after having minor surgery that afternoon. 

The fresh set of pyjamas that Eliana was wearing certainly helped and she looked very comfortable in the hospital bed; it was a different experience than when Elsa had been born. 

"Mama?" Elsa whined holding her arms out wishing for her mother to take her, she was disappointed when her grandmother didn't set her down so that her mother could take her. 

Eliana smiled at her daughter before peeking down at Caleb in her arms, she honestly wasn't sure how Elsa was going to take this when she realised what was going on. 

"Olá," Dolores greeted peeking at the newborn that was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms, she couldn't wait to be introduced to her new grandson.

"This is Caleb," Eliana whispered gently pulling back the blanket that Caleb was covered in, she smiled as both Dolores and Jennifer moved forward to meet the little boy in her arms. 

Neither of them even spared a look at Cristiano, who had his own bundle in his arms and they guessed that most people would be focused on Eliana since she was the one that had given birth. 

"And this is Rafael," Cristiano announced making the two women look to him before they had a chance to fuss over Caleb; he grinned as they realised that he was also holding a baby as well. 

The room was silent for a moment before they looked down at the baby in Eliana's arms and then back to the one that was sleeping in Cristiano's arms. 

Elsa pouted as she looked down at the baby in her mother's arms were she wanted to be, she wanted her mother to cuddle her and she didn't like that her grandmother wouldn't put her down. 

"Surprise," Eliana mused smiling at her mother and mother-in-law, she had to admit that it was amazing that they had twins right now and nothing was going to change how she felt. 

Jennifer opened and closed her mother as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that she didn't just have one grandson right now but two. 

This certainly hadn't been what she had expected and the comment that Cristiano had made on twitter was to prepare for the announcement that they had welcomed twins. 

The couple clearly wanted their friends and family to be the first to know about the surprise birth and Jennifer could only wonder how they were going to cope with the surprise addition. 

Caleb and Rafael were going to be the talk of the world in a few hours and nothing would change that.


The rest of the day was filled with people popping in and out of the couple's hospital room, each and every one of them were shocked at the sight of the twins and they had all quickly warmed to the idea. 

Elsa was a little disappointed that she hadn't been able to stay with her parents and baby brothers, she hadn't wanted to leave once Eliana and Cristiano had introduced her to them. 

The couple had even permitted a little bit of filming to be done by the film crew, it had been a joint decision but they wanted to show off their newborns and it had only been a short time since they wanted to relax. 

Smiling to himself, Cristiano carefully settled Caleb down in the cot next to his brother; he was so happy right now and he was glad that he was staying here with Eliana and their sons. 

"You haven't stopped smiling," Eliana teased from her hospital bed, she couldn't help but admire how happy he looked right now and she hoped that they would be able to stay this way. 

Things were going to be a little tricky when they took the twins home and they were going to have to work that out; Cristiano had asked Hugo to sort out a second cot for Rafael for when the twins came home. 

Eliana was looking forward to taking the boys home, she wanted to get settled before Cristiano was called back to playing for Real Madrid; she couldn't imagine how hard it would be the first night she was left home alone with Elsa, Caleb and Rafael with Cristiano being away for matches and other things quite a bit. 

"I don't think I can," Cristiano mused moving to sit down next to Eliana, it wasn't going to be a comfortable sleep for him but he didn't care; he wanted to be here for her and the twins. 

There was no way he would have been able to sleep at home with Elsa when he was so far away from Eliana and the twins; he would rather be here looking after them.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Cristiano asked looking to Eliana, he had never thought in a million years that things would work out this way and he was so thankful that it had. 

He had everything that he had ever wanted and that was because of Eliana, she was the reason that Cristiano looked forward to coming home after being away from matches. 

They had built a life together and Cristiano couldn't imagine what else would happen in their future, they had come so far in nearly four years and he wanted nothing more than to enjoy it with Eliana. 

Eliana raised an eyebrow at Cristiano, she rested back against the pillows feeling a little tired after all the visitors that they had received today; most of them had been Cristiano's team-mates who had come to gush over the new babies. 

Everyone had been so wonderful and Eliana was thankful that things had quietened down, the news had gone out that Eliana and Cristiano had welcomed two little boys that afternoon and things outside had been crazy. 

The media were desperate for more news about the twins and were pretty much camped outside the hospital waiting for the family to leave hospital. 

"I love you," Cristiano whispered leaning forward and kissing Eliana, he was careful of her stomach not wanting to hurt her; it would be a few days before she or the twins would leave the hospital. 

Their midwife had been pleased with how the delivery had gone but she wished to keep an eye on Eliana and the twins just in case. 

"I love you too," Eliana replied brushing her fingers through his hair, they were going to be okay and she was sure of that; she couldn't wait to see what the future held for them. 

They had a wonderful little family and there was so much coming their way in the future. 

The Footballer's GirlfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora