Part One - Chapter Three: Prince Charming

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“How is Orlando?” Eliana asked brushing some hair from her face, she looked towards her close friend and fellow model Miranda Kerr as they sat in the make-up truck waiting to be called out.

Miranda smiled, she had met Eliana a couple of years back and she loved how down to earth the blonde was and they were close because of that; she had no idea how someone like Eliana had come into modelling.

“He’s doing good,” Miranda replied with a smile, she couldn’t believe that she was married to such a wonderful man; they had only married two months earlier in a private ceremony after dating for three years.

“And how is baby?” Eliana teased excitedly, she adored children and she had been so excited when Miranda had announced that she and Orlando were expecting their first child together; she couldn’t wait to be a mother herself when she found the right person.

“We’re having a little boy,” Miranda gushed excitedly, she loved the idea of having a son and she knew how excited Orlando had been when they had found out; they hadn’t really told anyone yet but Miranda knew that she could trust Eliana not to say anything.

“And what about you? Have you found yourself a man?” Miranda asked, she knew that Eliana hadn’t really dated in the past few years; she couldn’t remember the last time that she had heard her friend gush about a man.

Eliana blushed recalling her run in with Cristiano, she doubted that the two incidents meant anything since it had been over a month now since she had seen him and she didn’t think that she would be seeing him again.

“So there is a man…” Alessandra Ambrosio teased sitting down, she looked over at the younger woman knowing that it was hard for them sometimes especially since they spent most of the time working around in some fancy lingerie or swim-suits that Victoria Secret gave them.

“There might be… I don’t know,” Eliana admitted doubting that the other models would let her get away with not telling them details, she was a little embarrassed about what had happened and she knew they wouldn’t tease her too badly.

Miranda and Alessandra grinned focusing on Eliana, she was one of the younger models on set today and they knew that they rarely got to see each other when they weren’t on a shoot or the catwalk together.

“What does he do?” Adriana Lima asked eagerly, she couldn’t remember the last time that they had talked boys and she had a feeling that Eliana had found a good one; she fluffed her hair a little before moving closer to the conversation.

“He plays football,” Eliana said nervously, she was a little worried about what they would say when she told them who had taken her fancy; she didn’t want to hear that she was only asking for trouble by getting involved with an athlete.

“Really what position? Quarterback, line-backer, offensive guard…” Adriana listed trying to recall the positions that she knew, she wasn’t very good when it came to American Football and she wondered if this signalled that Eliana was finally moving across the pond.

“I think she meant European football not American,” Behati Prinsloo interrupted knowing that she was now a little curious about who had caught her friend’s attention; she knew how focused Eliana had been on her studies for the past two years.

The other three woman were silent for a moment before they moved to stare at Eliana, they racked their minds for footballers that they knew lived in Madrid.

“What is his name?” Adriana asked getting her mobile out so she could search for the man of the moment.

“Cristiano Ronaldo,” Eliana murmured peeking towards the door of the make-up trailer, she could already see where this was going; she wanted nothing more than to escape before they started quizzing her on what had happened.

Behati stood close to her friend, she knew that Eliana had to like Cristiano if she was this nervous; she wasn’t going to push the blonde into saying anything that she didn’t want to.

“Didn’t he sleep with Paris Hilton?” Alessandra asked frowning, she wasn’t sure how she felt about someone who had slept with the blonde woman; she wasn’t overly fond of Paris especially since she was famous for being famous.

“Wasn’t it Kim Kardashian,” Miranda replied trying to recall what she had heard about the footballer, she had no idea about European football but she had heard of a couple of players since Orlando was a Manchester United supporter and often watched their matches.

Eliana swallowed at the names being thrown around, both women were known for releasing sex tapes and it made her a little nervous if that was the sort of woman that Cristiano was interested in.

“I thought he was gay,” Adriana continued moving to show the others pictures of the footballer, she had no idea how Eliana had met him but she hoped the blonde would be careful.

The last thing that any of them wanted was for Eliana to be hurt, she deserved someone who would support her no matter what was going on and that made her happy.


“What do you think?” Eliana asked Behati softly, she knew that the other women were only looking out for her and she was a little worried about what would happen if she did ever date someone like Cristiano.

The shoot was slowly coming to an end and the Los Angeles sun was slowly starting to set, it had been a long day and Eliana was glad that it was over; she was a little sad since the next time that she saw everyone again was when they did the catwalk show in New York on the November 10th.

“I think if he asks you out that you should go for it,” Behati replied with a smile, she knew that the other models were just trying to look out for Eliana but it was her life and she had to make her own decisions.

Miranda had expressed concern for Eliana after the blonde had recounted how she had met Cristiano, she had thought it was sweet but didn’t want to see her friend become a notch on some footballer’s bedpost.

Eliana nodded her head grateful, she would be flying back to Madrid tomorrow and she was going to be so tired; she knew that Tanya had so much planned for her and she still needed to get ready for when her classes started up again next month.

“Do you think he could be your Prince Charming?” Behati asked smiling, she loved the idea of seeing everyone happy and she couldn’t imagine what her own happy ending would look like.

Eliana stared at her friend, she was always coming to the younger woman for advice and she was glad that Behati had listened to her ramble on about Cristiano.

“Then go for it, don’t let anything hold you back,” Behati replied smiling, she wanted everyone to be happy and she knew that even if her own relationship was having problems right now that it wasn’t a reason to bring Eliana down.

Eliana smiled moving to give Behati a hug, she could see why she thought of her and Miranda as her best friends; she didn’t know what she would do without them.

“Now… tell me more about superhunk,” Behati teased knowing that the next time that she saw Eliana that the blonde wouldn’t be single anymore; she could only imagine how everything would change in a couple of months’ time.

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