Part Two - Chapter One: The Pregnancy Test

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Eliana Silva clapped a hand over her mouth as she threw herself out of bed and dashed towards bathroom; she dropped down to her knees just as her stomach emptied itself, she gripped onto the toilet as she threw up.

This was the second time that week that this had happened to her, Eliana was just glad that Cristiano Ronaldo was away playing in the Euros; she missed him but she knew that he would only fuss over her because of some stomach bug that she had picked up.

Eliana took a deep breath as she sat on the cold bathroom tiled floor in her red and cream stripe nightie, she rested her head against the toilet seat and closed her eyes not wanting to move in case she was sick again.

Eliana didn't know what could have brought this on, she hadn't eaten anything odd and she hadn't been around anyone that could have given her a stomach bug; she get guessing that this was what it was but she wasn't so sure.

Once the nausea had gone, Eliana got to her feet and straightened out her nightie before she head back into the bedroom; she was home alone with the dogs and she knew that no one would be coming to check on her.

Her best friend had moved out of the house pretty quietly after Eliana and Cristiano had announced that they had gotten engaged; Behati had only said that she had wanted to give them space and she had to get back to work, something that made her wonder what was going on.

Eliana brushed some hair from her face, she was happy to hear that Behati had recently gotten herself a new boyfriend and she hoped that her friend had some luck this time around.

Eliana picked up her mobile and checked that she didn't have any messages from Cristiano; she paused when she spotted the date before she opened up her calendar realising that she was late.


Eliana pulled down her hoodie as she stepped back in the house, her hands shaking as she prayed that no one had recognised her; she took a deep breath as she looked down at the brown paper bag that she had with her.

Eliana tried to ease her mind that no one had seen her, she didn't want this getting out to the press and she could only imagine the headlines if it came out that she had just picked up a pregnancy test.

Eliana took a deep breath as she headed towards the nearest toilet, she wanted to take the test as soon as possible; she wanted to know if she was pregnant.

Eliana moved passed Abelhinha and Marosca, she knew that it they were waiting to go out but she needed to do this first; she shut the bathroom door behind her and took a deep breath before she pulled the pregnancy test out of the brown paper bag.

Eliana didn't waste the moment before she took the pregnancy test, she wasn't sure how to feel about the idea that she could be pregnant right now; she was a little excited about the idea, she and Cristiano had talked about children but she hadn't thought it would happen so soon.

Eliana set the pregnancy test on the side of the counter before she washed her hands, her mind trying to work out when she had fallen pregnant; she could think of two dates and she knew which one it might be.

Cristiano had been over the moon when Real Madrid had won the league, he hadn't been able to keep his hands to himself; the date after that was before he left for the Euros in Poland and Ukraine.

Eliana knew that she couldn't be more than a few weeks in, she felt giddy at the idea that she could be pregnant; she just needed to wait and see what the pregnancy test said.

Eliana picked up the pregnancy test and stared at it for a moment, she had three minutes to wait and she knew they would drag on for a while; she would have to find something to do.

Eliana walked out of the bathroom and headed to let the dogs out into the back garden, she ran her fingers through her hair as she set about making herself some breakfast; she wanted nothing more than to have the answers that she wanted.

Eliana kept peeking at the clock as she waited to find out if she was pregnant, she chewed on her finger nailed as she messed with her toast; she wanted nothing more to know and she wondered how Cristiano would react when she told him.

Eliana knew that she would miss out on the up-coming Victoria Secret show in November; there would be no hiding the bump then and she wasn't going to change her mind if she was pregnant.

Eliana would also have to call her agent and let her know once she had told Cristiano, she had a lot of commitments and that would all change when she was pregnant; a lot of her shoots would have to be changed.

Eliana waited for a few minutes before she moved to check the pregnancy test, she was sure that things would be okay if she was and she knew that Cristiano would be a wonderful father.

Eliana stared down at the test and a smile formed on her face at the sight of the small little plus sign, she couldn't believe it even if the pregnancy test was confirming what she knew.

Eliana was pregnant and from what the test said she was about 2-3 weeks along, she would have to speak to her doctor to confirm this before she even thought about telling anyone.

Eliana set down the pregnancy test with a grin, she started to imagine the baby that she could be carrying; she couldn't wait to share the news with Cristiano.


Cristiano took a deep breath as he ran his fingers through his hair, he was exhausted after the training session and he was glad that Portugal seemed prepared for their opening match of the Euros.

Cristiano was missing his home and he knew that it would be a couple of weeks before he could even see Eliana, he missed his fiancée and he hoped that she was okay at home; he didn't want anything to happen to her.

It had been three and a half months since they had gotten engaged and Cristiano was pleased that what had happened between him and Behati hadn't reached Eliana's ears.

Cristiano knew that his fiancée would be devastated if she knew what had happened, Behati had kissed him and he didn't want Eliana to be hurt; she was the best thing that had ever happened to him and he couldn't lose her.

Cristiano took a deep breath as he started to strip down so that he could have a shower, he wanted to have a future and that was the reason that he didn't want to tell her what had happened.

Eliana had no idea how much she meant to Cristiano, he would do anything for her and he wanted to have her as his wife; he loved the fact that she made him feel human and not just the machine that the fans and clubs expected him to be.

Cristiano padded towards the en-suite bathroom and made sure that he had a towel, he had a feeling that it was going to be a long day and he could only imagine what the manager would have planned next.

Cristiano wanted to do well with his team, he wanted to win the Euros but he wasn't sure how they would do it; he worried that he wouldn't be good enough to lead them to the final.

Cristiano closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower, he was going to do his best and he knew that Eliana wouldn't expect anything less from him.

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