Chapter Thirteen

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I wake to the sound of a dull knock at the door from the living room. I stretch out my legs and shift onto my other side to face Alec. He is stirring as well. "I'll get it," he says as he stretches out his arms. I laugh at his bedhead when he sits up and rubs one of his eyes with his palm. "What?"

I prop myself up with my elbow and reach up to brush his messy blonde hair to lay flat. "Nothing."

He bends down to kiss me and then swings his legs over the side of the bed to hurry and answer the door. I lay back down and sigh. Alec has become the easiest person to love. He treats me like a queen, and when I get stressed about anything, he's here to comfort me. I couldn't ask for better.

I narrow my eyes at the ceiling when I hear murmuring from the living room down the hallway. It sounds harsh and strict, almost as if someone is condemning another. But why? This is our house. If someone is trying to tell Alec what to do—


I hear footsteps striding down the hallway at a fast rhythm. Then Alec appears in the doorway, with the most somber façade I've ever seen. Alec is usually a happy-go-lucky guy, with the friendliest smile and most upbeat attitude. Whatever brought him down cannot be good.

"Get dressed," he says quietly. "Um... I don't have much time to explain, but..." He rushes to my side and sits by me on the bed. "You know how the prince can choose whoever he wants, when he wants?"

"Yes..." I say slowly, taking his hand and gripping it tightly.

"Well, it turns out he wants you. He saw you at the Claiming and believes that any girl who is claimed by eight men must be wonderful, and it's true. You are," he says as he runs his thumb along the sides of my hand.

"What does this mean, though? I have to be with him now? You're joking right? Who is really at the door?" I laugh nervously.

"Belle," Alec says seriously. "I'm not joking. Get dressed. They're taking you immediately."

"Alec," I say, my throat clenching tight. "You can't be serious! Why would I want to go with that guy? He's awful!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down," he hisses gently. "If he hears you—well, I don't know what he'll do. The only reason I'm obeying his orders is because I don't want anything awful to happen to you or my family. He already threatened to hurt you when I said no the first time. I—I have to comply."

"No, you don't!" I cry quietly. "There are plenty of other girls he could pick! Why me? Alec, I want to stay with you... I love you."

The words feel right, but they also feel dangerous, as if any second they could mean nothing at all. But right now, they mean everything.

"I love you," I say again, just to make sure he knows I really mean it. "I don't want to leave you."

Alec grips both of my hands and presses his forehead to mine. "I love you, too," he whispers, "but maybe this is better for you. You will have a beautiful place to live, tons of food and clothes, and maybe... maybe you'll be happier there."

Tears start to blind me. "Don't say that. It's not true. Why would I want to divorce you and marry him? This is just so stupid!" I sob in frustration

He gazes at our hands intertwined together. "Belle, I promise you I don't want to do this. But believe me when I say this: if God means for us to truly be together, then He will fix this mess one way or another. If not, then this is for the better."

I nod as tears start streaming down my face. "Okay," I choke out. I silently pray to God that He will save me from this nightmare.

How did this happen so suddenly? How could God let this happen in the first place?

I feel hopeless as Alec walks with me into the living room where I see two guards in uniform bearing the Bayfell emblem across their chests—two eagles diving towards a snake, all placed across and yellow and red shield. And sitting on the sofa, relaxing as if he owns the place, is the prince himself. I can't believe he came all the way out here just for this. I don't know if I should feel honored or disgusted.

Maybe a little bit of both.

I grab Alec's hand and squeeze it tightly.

At the sound of our footsteps, the man on the couch turns and looks at us. His eyes fall on me and he grins. "Well, hello. Finally, we meet face to face." He stands and walks towards me, his gait bouncy and joyful. Something about it seems almost childlike.

He stands before me, observing me as if I'm some science experiment. "You'll do just fine," he says, almost trying to keep it under his breath, but the whole room is silent enough for everyone to hear. His eyes wander up and down my body, and I feel a sudden need to hide under a blanket forever.

I back up into Alec and hug him from the side. "Please," I whisper. "Please let me stay with Alec."

I feel pathetic begging for mercy, but what else can I do?

My whole world is falling apart.

"Nope," the prince says, putting his hands behind is back as he circles around us. "You see, I can have anyone I want because I'm next in line for the throne, I need a wife, and my dad is too paranoid to go outside of Bayfell walls. So here I am, picking my own wife! And she just so happens to be married to someone else. No matter, though. We're just going to file your wedding certificate as divorce and she will marry me."

What on earth did I do to deserve this? I was miserable before, but at least I had Alec with me. I was lucky enough to be married to someone I love.

Now it's all being taken away.

Perfect. Just perfect.

"Have you packed your things, dear?" the prince says, a snarky little smile across his lips.

"I have nothing to bring," I spit, swallowing every ounce of pain I feel. All that I have are the clothes on my back and the ring on my finger. Nothing can ever make me take off the only piece of Alec I have left. And I have no intentions of bringing any clothes with me. Why would I? I'm just going to be stuffed into tiny little dresses anyway.

I can see my whole future falling to pieces with every second that ticks by. I can't let go of Alec because as of now, he's still my husband, and I've never felt so attached to him before. He is mine, and I am is.

And it's all about to disappear.

Yesterday, I woke up distraught about the idea of constantly being watched by the government, but at least I still had a loving husband to care for me, protect me. Love me.

And all of a sudden, I wake up and I'm being stolen by the prince of Bayfell. Of all things to happen, this would happen to me.

"Time to go, Isabella," the prince says, offering his hand to me.

I look up at Alec and I can see his eyes are wet with the tears he's trying to hold back. I've never seen my friend cry, but this I'm definitely counting. I hug him tighter than ever before.

That's when I feel the guards start to yank on my arms to pull me away.

"Stop!" I screech. "Let go of me! I can't go! I'm not going! Stop it!" I flail my arms and try to jab them with my bony elbows, but it proves useless. I'm useless.

Alec holds onto my hands when that's all that I have left of me. "I'm sorry, Belle," he mouths as he lets go of my hands.

My eyes round at the feeling of betrayal starting to overwhelm my body.

How could he just let me go?

Oh, that's right—because if he didn't, his family and I would be dead.

I can't forget that.

Please, Lord. Don't let me forget that.

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