Chapter Six

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I scream.

My chest heaves and I stare straight up at the ceiling, returning to reality more and more. Suddenly, thunder booms and I scream again.

Wimpyness level: 100

"Belle," Alec says from the other side of the bed. He sits up and scoots closer to me. "What is it?"

I cover my face in embarrassment. I nearly forgot I was sleeping next to him. We fell asleep on opposite sides of the bed, not touching because he wanted to give me space. I was okay with it at first, but as I tried to go to sleep, I realized I longed for him to be closer. I don't know why, either.

"I'm sorry," I say through my hands, causing a muffled sound. "I had a bad dream, and then the thunder spooked me."

My eyes start to well up as I remember the nightmare. I sniffle but quickly regret it because now he'll know something is definitely wrong. I turn my face away and rub my eyes.

"Hey," he says quietly. Crap, he knows... "Come here."

Wimpiness level: 1,000

He pulls me up into his arms. He hugs me tightly, running his fingers through my tangled hair. I start to cry lightly into his chest when I wrap my arms around his waist. "I'm so sorry...," I say over and over again. "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be," he says. "This stuff happens. Do you want to talk about it?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I... I guess. All that I remember happening was someone broke into our house and—" I didn't want to continue. The gory details of the dream were too horrifying.

"What is it?" he prompts gently.

I sigh, giving in. "He killed you and then attacked me. Next thing I know, I'm trapped in this guy's house. I don't remember much else, but—I know, it's silly. I just really, really don't want to lose you."

"Because you'd end up in the Lower District then?" he asks somberly.

I shake my head vigorously. "No, no! Because I lo—because you mean a lot to me," I say, stumbling over my words. "We just got married, and I don't want our marriage to be cut short by something so devastating. And besides, you're my best friend, and I would hate for something to happen to you."

"I thought Riah was your best friend," he says, pressing his cheek to the top of my head.

"You're my husband, Alec. As soon as you claimed me, our friendship skyrocketed," I laugh. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

He gives me a tight squeeze. "Me neither."

Thunder cracks and literally shakes the whole room. I let out a tiny squeal and hide my face into Alec's chest. He doesn't let go at all. "I normally don't freak out over storms," I admit, "but that was out of nowhere."

Yeah, wimpiness level: 100,000,000,000,000.

My stomach flutters when he kisses me on the forehead. "Maybe try going back to sleep then. It's about two in the morning, and I'm sure you're extremely tired from yesterday."

"Okay," I say with barely a voice at all.

We lie down together. I'm surprised when he hugs me close to him again. He touches his forehead to mine and smiles at me. "I'll be right here."

I return his smile and close my eyes.

I never thought I would be this close to someone so quickly. Maybe it's because I've loved Alec all along. But when would be a good time to tell him that? I nearly let the words slip out earlier. What if Alec doesn't truly love me, but simply likes me.

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