Chapter Three

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"Rafael Adams claims Ingrid Norris." A shocking silence envelopes the entire auditorium. The first claim is the most penetrating. "Does any other young man object?" When no one speaks up, Ingrid and Rafael rise and make their way to the stage. Ingrid has a look of apprehension on her face, but Rafael is pleased with himself, but a tad bit embarrassed as well. A priest stands next to Mr. Wolfe and quickly weds the two in front of everyone else. They share an awkward kiss, and then return to their separate seats. After the entire Claiming, they will meet up again at the reception in the ballroom of the Plaza.

Three more girls are claimed after Ingrid. One of these girls has another boy object, and the girl is told to choose who she truly wants. She becomes so worked up that she starts crying because she doesn't know either of the boys very well. Eventually, she makes her decision after five minutes of utter silence from everyone but her, the sound of her sobs bouncing off the vast walls of the auditorium. At that point, Riah grabs onto my hand. I don't want that to be us.

It can't be us.

Before we know it, Alec's name is called.

"Alec Bentley claims—"

Riah and I lean forward, curious as to who Alec has chosen.

"Isabella Reyes."

Every organ in my body simply drops to my feet, my heart the hardest impact of all.

Me. Alec chose me.

I stand up, and in my peripheral, I see Alec do the same. My limbs start shaking violently, and I stare at Mr. Wolfe in absolute astonishment. Part of me is terrified to look directly at Alec. Does he really have feelings for me, or did he do it out of pity? Oh gosh, I hope it was anything but pity...

"Does anyone object to the Claim?"

I don't expect anyone to object, considering no one really knows me.

But I'm completely wrong.

Exactly seven other young men stand up on shaking legs, looking my way. Five of these guys are from the Facility, but two of them, not counting Alec, are from the Family District.

My mouth opens slightly in disbelief. I don't recognize half of these guys...

Oh, wait.

The Facility guys I've grown up with, so of course I know them. These were the guys who would ask to borrow a pencil in class or would make jokes during classroom activities. But the Family District boys I vaguely remember meeting when Chance invited us to a birthday party for his younger sister. Considering his sister is a tom boy, she has many guy friends, including these two standing up before me. Alec and Chance had convinced Riah and me to play a game of "Never Have I Ever" with these guys and a few other girls.

Since I'm from a Facility of orphan kids who barely see sunlight, of course I won the game. But these boys did seem to be interested in talking to me. That was one day, though! How does someone want me after one freaking day?

Mr. Wolfe motions for me to come up to the stage now. My feet won't move at first and Riah has to nudge me. I stumble out into the aisle, and I hear a few snickers from some of the girls in the audience. They know I'm a Facility girl. They know this is totally outrageous. Timidly, I run my fingers though my half-up, half-down hair and walk down the aisle on wobbly legs. I then dare myself to gaze out into the audience and make eye contact with each boy who stands.

Michael. Brady. Calvin. Jon. Peter. Two boys whose names I don't remember from that party... And Alec. He's the only one who looks back at me with shining eyes but a nervous façade. The others look at their shoes.

I climb the steep stairs onto the wooden-floored stage. Mr. Wolfe holds out an arm, herding me towards him. His white shiny teeth seem to be the only part of his face now. I never realized until being up close to him that he looks like he has no lips whatsoever. Just teeth and the rest of his face.

"Miss Reyes," he says like a purring cat, "these seven boys have also claimed you. Now you choose your husband out of the eight."

Well this is easy enough.

Mr. Wolfe holds the microphone to my lips. I scan the boys one last time, my eyes lingering on my definite choice.

"Alec Bentley," I say, flashing him a smile in the audience.

Alec smiles in relief as the other boys sit down once again. He makes his way to the stage so the priest can wed us.

My nerves start eating at my stomach once again. I'm about to be married, and I'm not even mentally ready for this kind of thing. I wish I had known before this day what it would feel like. How awful and terrible and depressing a wedding day is.

That all changes when Alec is standing in front of me, holding my hands. He leans towards me and whispers, "I promised you it would be all right. I wasn't about to let you marry any of those guys or get stuck in the Lower District."

I let out a deep sigh. He's right. He just saved me from marrying a total stranger or being tossed into the Lower District like a useless sack of potatoes. I'm glad Alec claimed me. But... was it pity? It certainly sounds like it.

The priest says a few words of nonsense I can't understand because of his outrageous lisp and vowels. I can see it in Alec's eyes that he's trying his hardest not to laugh. I tighten my lips into a smile.

As soon as the preacher tells us we are officially "man and wife", Alec and I look at each other, suddenly fearful of what we have to do.

I've never kissed a boy before, how does this even work?

Alec suddenly mouths, "Trust me" and leans forward. Instead of kissing me directly on my mouth, he kisses my cheek, right on the corner of my lips.

I sigh in relief when we part.

He knows how sentimental I am. I remember complaining earlier in the week that I did not want my first kiss to be in front of a big crowd. I make a mental note to thank him immensely for being considerate of that.

As the audience claps thoughtlessly for us, we return to our seats. Riah is smiling brighter than a flashing light when I fall down into my chair with a sense of consolation. "I knew a bunch of guys would want to claim you!" she says, overjoyed.

I laugh. "All right, all right! You were right, I was wrong."

She grins. "Yeah, you were."

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