Chapter Four

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Chance claims Riah. As soon as Mr. Wolfe says those words, I search across the room for Alec, the only other one I know who can share the fact that we totally saw this coming. He gives me a perfect smile, and I suddenly feel butterflies slamming against the walls of my stomach.

He's always been that friend I can laugh with and complain about Riah to. He's the one who comforted me after crying in the bathroom. He's the one who always tells me I look beautiful, inside and out (Chance does that, too, but he's just a charmer).

I close my eyes as Riah and Chance are wedded by the priest. I wish that the ceremony could have been way more special. In classes at the Facility, we learned about ancient weddings, and how gorgeous and perfect they seemed to be. Why can't we have it like that? Why can't we invite just the people we love instead of saying "I do" in front of a bunch of strangers who couldn't care less?

The Claiming lasts for a good four hours. Of course, we're allowed to use the restroom when we absolutely need to, but otherwise, we must remain in our seats. I'm thankful that I don't have to deal with the constant anticipation like some of the other girls do. I feel a pang of sorrow for the ones who will end up in the Lower District after this event. They have no other chance after this night to have a fulfilled and happy life.

The reception finally commences around ten o'clock. Riah and I meet up with the guys in the ballroom where everyone is either going crazy with the party, or sitting in the corner of the room praying that they can stay there for the rest of their lives. Riah spots Alec and Chance talking to one another on the far right side of the room. When they notice us walking towards them, the liveliest smiles light up their faces. Riah and I giggle and link arms.

"I can't believe it—you and Alec," she says to me. "Did not see that coming!"

"Me neither," I say quietly. "I honestly thought he would have chosen a girl from the Family District."

"But he chose you," she says gleefully.

When we meet the boys, Alec brings me into an enveloping embrace. I breathe in his scent and immediately relax. Chance and Riah kiss passionately on the lips, so Alec and I awkwardly look away to give them some privacy. Then, he gives me a sideways glance. "Can we talk? Alone?" he asks.

I nod. "Definitely."

I look back to Riah and Chance to let them know, but they are still wrapped up with each other.

Alec leads me a few steps away from the embracing couple. Eventually they stop and start talking excitedly to one another. I can imagine them already planning out their life together, and probably laughing at the fact that they both wanted each other and didn't know it.

"I don't want this to be weird," he says. "Belle, I really do care about you, and I want you to know I will try to make you the happiest woman in the world."

I smile at him. "I know you will."

He takes both of his hands and swings them back and forth playfully between us. I go along with it as my stomach tingles outrageously.

"I can't believe you chose me out of all the other girls in Bayfell," I say."

Alec's eyes light up. "It was always you, Belle. Always."

My heart jumps in my chest, emanating a warm feeling throughout my body. His hands squeeze mine, and I gaze down at our hands and beam. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. You not only saved me from permanent humiliation of the Lower District, but you saved me from being married to someone I don't know."

He looks at me more seriously. "You know I chose you for more than that, right? I chose you because I wanted to. I... I have feelings for you."

I instantly match my eyes with his, astonishment washing over me. "I didn't know that," I stutter, trying to hold back an awkward smile.

He chuckles. "How would you know? I hide it by acting the same way towards Riah."

"Oh." I look down.

Suddenly, he releases one of my hands and lifts my chin up to him. "I'm not going to act that way anymore, though. All I do will be for you only. I don't know whether or not you even love me that way at all, but all I care about right now is making you happy. You don't need to tell me how you feel, and you shouldn't feel bad about it. All right?"

I nod slowly, my eyes round.

What do I say to that? I spent so much of my time knowing him trying to push away the feelings I developed shortly after meeting him. I knew there was always a part of me that secretly wanted him to just one day admit he had always loved me, but I also knew that was insane. Now I have to reach deep down and let myself embrace the opportunity to love him.

How messed up does that sound?

I don't even know if this will even be real.

"Alec, I don't know what to say... I...I want to tell you so many things, but I don't know where to start."

"Then how about we start here," he says. "What do you want me to know right here, right now?"

I think. I think about everything and it makes me dizzy. "Alec, around when we were getting to know each other, I developed crush on you. Then when I realized that there was a small chance you would choose me, a Facility girl, for the Claiming, I tried to give up on that." At first I think I'm finished, but then I blurt out the last bit. "But I don't think I ever did."

Alec's face lights up, beyond joyful. He pulls me into another tight embrace. "We can definitely start from there," he murmurs into my hair. "Let's worry about the rest tonight."

Tonight. Crap. That's traditionally the night when newlyweds... you know... do stuff. I don't want to do that until Alec and I are comfortable with the idea of being together in a romantic sense. No way are we ready for that... I pray he doesn't think we are...

Alec glances around at the other couples dancing in the center of the floor to a slower song. Over Alec's shoulder I see Riah and Chance with their arms wrapped around one another, swaying to the slow rhythm of the song.

"Want to dance?"

I beam at him. Yes, I want to dance. Can I dance? No. "Absolutely."

Shut up, Belle. What are you thinking? You're going to make this boy trip over your two left feet.

Alec leads me to an empty space off to the side, in the shadows. Here, no one bothers us or stares at us. It's just Alec and me, wondering if this is ever going to work, if this is what marriage will really be like for us. I wish we had known about each other's feelings before we were married... we would have had more time to fall in love. Now everything's out of order, we're behind schedule, and I don't know what's going to happen next.

But I remember who this is.

It's Alec, one of my best friends in the whole world who has been with me through thick and thin for years. He knows I don't talk much, and he knows I'm hesitant and scared and a total wimp. And despite all that, he chose me.

All I can wonder is why?

The only answer I have is maybe Alec knows more about me than I do myself.

I rest my head on his shoulder, my foreheadpressing against his neck. I've always found comfort in his embrace. His armstighten around me. 

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