Chapter eighteen

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The cop took James for questioning while he got his partner to get me to a hospital, Jasper went with me and held my hand along the way. After calming down for a bit, I managed to tell the cop my parents phone number before I got inside the police car. I was visibly shaking the whole entire car ride to the hospital. Why couldn't James just accepted that I wasn't ready for sex!? Why do men think that they could get away with anything just because they are stronger? I was shaking and Jasper looked at me in concern. It was a silent car ride because I obviously couldn't speak because of what almost happened to me but I managed to look at Jasper and give him a shaky smile.

"Hey, it's okay, he's not going to hurt you anymore," Jasper whispered. I inhaled and slowly nodded. The cop finally stopped the car and we got out. Doctors were outside waiting outside for us with a gurney, they put me in the gurney even though I protested that I didn't need it. They wheeled me in and we were in the hallway, I heard someone yelling.

"I have to be with her!" Jasper yelled while trying to get through but doctors held him back.

"Sir, you have to stay back! You have to wait in the waiting area!" A doctor yelled. I didn't hear the rest because another doctor was yelling as he pulled me away from Jasper.

"What do we have here?" Someone yelled. Another doctor yelled out something while they were examining my bleeding forehead.

"Emery Cain, age seventeen, almost got raped but she escaped and hit her head and got massive bleeding," A doctor said suddenly pulling me to a different hallway that made me dizzy.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from the hospital?" Suddenly Dr.Light's face appeared as he helped the other doctors steer the gurney. "Am I that attractive that you decided to hurt your head just to see me"

"Dr.Light," A doctor said with annoyance. She glared at Dr.Light and he gave her a sheepish grin. "Don't make me take you off this case"

"Sorry Dr.Taylor," He says although I didn't believe he was actually sorry. She rolled her eyes at him and spoke sharply. Her tone meant extreme business.

"Get her a biopsy, make sure she doesn't have internal bleeding," She said and he nodded. Then he looked down at me and gave me a soft smile.

"Time for a joy ride," He said excitedly, then he took me to a room with all these machinery. He left me to grab something and came back back moments later with a needle. "You get the sterylab needle, very fancy in this hospital"

I stared at the needle in fear and looked back at him. I shook my head furiously, making me extremely dizzy because of my lack of blood.

"You know I hate needles!" I exclaimed. He sighed as he looked at me. He took my hand and squeezed it. He looked at me with concern all over his face.

"I know you are but we gotta do this or else you get major trauma in the head and we would have to take you to surgery, you wouldn't want that. Would you?" He asked and I sighed. I looked up at him as he arched his eyebrow.

"No," I sighed and he gave me a wicked grin. His eyes held triumph which for some reason I've always hated him doing that even though he only did this to me a second time. It felt like he did it to me all my life even though we just met. I snapped out of thoughts as he put the needle on my forehead and my toes curled.

"It's almost over," He murmured as he concentrated while holding the needle. After a few seconds, he took it out. "There, I'll give it to Dr.Taylor to take these back to the lab"

I just looked at him because I didn't want to nod or else I'll get dizzy. I just laid there on the gurney while Dr.Light paged Dr.Taylor. She came in moments later and looked at him expectedly.

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