Chapter fourteen

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Lucky for me, I was finally able to leave the hospital. Unlucky for me, is that I got my period and a pimple the size of a baseball. Okay, I'm exaggerating but still. I had ask Dr.Light for pain reliever and he prescribed me a good pill for it. After he gave it to me, I smiled at him and spoke even though I had terrible cramps.

"So what are you doing for Christmas? Please tell me you're not one of those doctors that work on Christmas!," I said while clasping my hands together in a plea. He laughed lightly and shook his head.

"Sometimes I do that but I'm off this Christmas," He says as he placed his chart on top of a table. He had a twinkle in his eye whenever he spoke as if he knew something that other didn't.

"Are you spending it with your parents?," I asked and I saw his body stiffen. He looked down at his chart and clenched his jaw. I immediately regretted what I asked. "Um I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry".

He looked up and smiled softly at me. He scratched his cheek softly and cleared his throat.

"It's okay, it's just parents died," He says softly. I gasped and covered my mouth. He nodded softly. "My mother died because of sickness and my dad died in the war".

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked," I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder. He gave me a small smile and shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm used to people asking me about my parents," He says as he looked at me with sad eyes. "I am spending Christmas with my friends and my dog, Minnie".

"You have a dog!," I said excitedly. He laughed and nodded his head. He took out his wallet and showed me his dog. She was a black Labrador with a pink bow. "She's so cute! I have the same breed, his name is Mickey"

"Guess we have a thing for Disney," He chuckled and I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's also my birthday today".

"It's your birthday! And you're working!?," I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes at me and I scoffed. "Why are you working?"

"Well I had to watch you because of your allergy", He replied while eyeing me. I immediately felt ashamed and he must have noticed because he put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey it's okay, I had nothing planned anyway".

"You didn't have to watch me," I say glaring at him. He shrugged and grinned at me. "How old are you?"

"Twenty five," He said and I looked at him in surprise. He was really young to be a doctor. He was also handsome with his brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a nice smile too.

"You're really young," I say while pushing a strand of hair back. He shrugged and crossed his arms.

"I was apparently a genius when I was kid," He chuckled as I raised an eyebrow.

"You were that smart that you become a doctor as such a young age", I say and he nodded.

"Yup, I'm also a mechanic, I do a lot of things actually," He says as he listed off the things he does. He cooks, plays the guitar, sings, builds houses, can fix a computer, plays chess, etc

"So basically you're perfect," I said rolling my eyes. He shrugged and shook his head.

"I wouldn't say perfect, just because someone's good at something doesn't make them perfect," He said as he leaned back against his chair.

"So what can't you do?" I challenged him. He thought about it and spoke with ease.

"I can't write poems, I'm terrible with a skateboard, I'm terribly shy at asking girls out and I can't dance, like I'm a really terrible dancer like it should be illegal for me to dance," He laughed and I rolled my eyes. I punched his shoulder softly. "I also can't tell jokes, like they are really corny".

"Ohh tell me a joke!" I pleaded and he shook his head. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. "Oh come on! Please!"

"Oh alright! Um okay this is a Christmas joke," He said and he thought about it and then spoke. "What do you call an elf who sings?"

"What?" I asked and he grinned.

"A wrapper!," He exclaimed. I laughed and he laughed also. I wiped the tears from my eyes. "See, I told you it was corny".

"Yeah but it was funny," I say chuckling. Suddenly I saw my parents walk into my hospital room. "Well I gotta go"

He nodded and ruffled my hair. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

I nodded and he smiled at me. "Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you and Merry Christmas", He says with a charming smile. I finally left the hospital with my parents. But I really didn't want to leave because of how kind he was. He was a rare person.

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