Chapter 27: Hurting

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It hurt, the pain was too strong.

Next morning just seeing Michael sitting with Chandler in the living room, laughing at something she said about Terry’s sleeping figure, acting like last night didn’t happened, simply hurt.

I let out a little cough, catching everyone attention.

The two head sitting on sofa, very closely might I add, turned around to look at me while Connor shouted out a good morning from our connected kitchen.

Chandler had her palm pressed tightly against her mouth, suppressing a giggle while Michael’s face expression changed from amused to expressionless when he saw me.

Chandler motioned me towards them with her hands, failing to hold in her giggle.

Confused, I walked towards they were sitting and saw the sight in front of me.

Terry lay on couch, on his side while holding a pillow pressed against his chin, drool all slurred over it. He held a blanket in his hand like a small child and he wore cookie monster’s Pj’s. The sight was purely adorable, but what caught may attention was that his lips were moving and he was mumbling something.

He was sleep talking! Unable to control, I let out a giggle. He looked adorable.

He rubbed his eyes and soon enough the matching blue orbs just like Michael’s stared up at me.

“What’s going on?” He asked groggily, sitting up so his feet were no longer dangling off the end of the couch.

Soon enough me and Chandler broke down in giggles while pointing at his Pj’s, he narrowed his eyes at us walking to the guest bathroom.

“I’ll get your breakfast.” Chandler said as soon as our laughter was in control. I was going to tell her I would get it my self but realized what she was doing when she left saying ‘how bout you two talk out last night.’

I gave a confused look to Michael, having no idea what Chandler meant.

His cheeks slightly changed colour but he recovered quickly by sitting up straight and facing me properly.

He looked like the same bad boy he was in high school.

“Today night, Terry’s place. Be there. Don’t tell that douche.”

I quickly compressed that he had made plans for us but was offended by his last statement.

“That ‘douche’ is my fiancé.” I hissed.

“Not technically, I know there is something going on and I’m going to find out.”

“There is nothing going on.” I snapped at him before standing up and walking to the kitchen.

Chandler stood in front of the kitchen’s entrance with a smirk on her face.

She pushed out the plate which had two soggy pancakes on it.

Connor was definitely not a good cook.

I glared at her while pulling the plate out her hand and spoke, “What?” I hissed in an annoyed tone.

“Oh nothing.” She said in a sing song voice.

I looked down at the pancakes and decided against eating them and ended up drinking some water and having a cereal bar.

“Your face expression clearly says it’s something.”

“Well other then the fact that you and Michael were cuddled together last night in your room, on your bed, with your cheek pressed against his shoulder, nothing.”

“We did no such thing!” I whispered shouted, hoping Michael or Connor wouldn’t hear.

“How about you ask you lovely fiancé, which I forgot to ask that why does he have a different room? I mean if you both are engaged shouldn’t you be sharing a room?”

Shit. I closed my eyes tightly thinking of something to say, “We want to be on the safe side, you know? If we share a bed there is more chances of physical contact.” I blushed at that lame sexual related excuse I had come up with.

She gave me a strange look but with no further objections winked at me before heading out the kitchen

What was that about? I thought to myself but my thoughts were answered when Connor entered the kitchen with a calm face but that changed quickly.

“Sam, can we talk privately.” He said sweetly, gesturing towards his bedroom with his eyes.

I looked at him weirdly but saw Chandler and Terry fixing the spots where they had slept last night and Michael was slipping on his jacket.

“Don’t leave yet guys, we’re coming.” Connor said to them as he led me towards his bedroom. I switched on the lights and noticed it looked like it did the last time I was in his room. He was staying in my guest room which had a brown closet on one side, a dressing table on the opposite side of the window, and his laptop and some books spread out on the bed.

The blue carpet had some footballs, basketballs and other sport equipment lying on the floor. Once an athlete always an athlete.

“What the fuck do you think your doing?” Connor hissed at me as soon as the door was shut. His back was towards me and he was pulling on his blonde spikes.

When I didn’t reply he turned around and moved closer to me. Anger was all over his face.

“You’re going to fuck this up, for you and for me!” He whispered shouted. I backed away from him, ending up against the wall.

“I’m doing you a favor, don’t treat me like crap.” I hissed back. I was scared to what he might do. I was so close to peeing my self. Memories from Michael’s party came back. When I had nearly got raped while stopping someone from rapping an innocent girl.

Connor glared at me pressing his hands against the wall so I was trapped between them.

“Stop fucking this up bitch, try! Try harder, your giving everything away. Damn” He growled at me. Tears pricked my eyes but I looked away from him. I focused my gaze on the covered window, but it didn’t help, he noticed.

He let out a sigh and backed up a bit, hands still against the wall.

“I’m sorry, it’s just the last night, gosh, you were just giving the whole thing away.” Once again he was back to his senses.

I looked down at me feet, avoiding looking at him.

“Sam, just pretend you don’t like him. Please?” My head snapped up staring at him dead in the eyes.

“Who said I liked him?” I narrowed my eyes staring at him.

He bent down whipping the tear that had escaped my eyes and took my hand in his.

“Ahh forget it, let’s just make this right.”

I hated when he had his mood swings but I understood his problem, so it didn’t affect me as much, but when he wanted to be sweet he could definitely ace that. All that practice with random girls must have made it perfect.

Right now it was time to go back to acting.

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