Chapter 20: Believe me

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Whhen I got to school I sighed in relief. Last night was hectic. Mom and Dad didn’t even get time to talk to me; all they wanted was my results. Mom had nearly noticed that I was no longer the geeky Sam, keyword ‘nearly’. She said something seemed different about me but could guess what. As for my dad he was busy dealing with some client.

After that they booked tickets to fly to some part in Asia and according to my hearing skills they would be back after a month of flying to different countries.

I’m going to be lonely again. Michael was the first person I thought of but then remembered we weren’t talking. I still wonder why that was, sure he had kissed me and things would be awkward but a person doesn’t just stop talking to someone like that right? Oh who am I kidding, this is Michael we’re talking about!

I pulled on my light blue skirt, still not comfortable in these kind of clothes and walked towards Braiden.

“Hey.” He waved slightly as I came closer to him. He didn’t seem so well. What if Connor actually made him think I was going to sleep with him. Soon my question was answered.

“Is it true? Did you offer Connor to have- have sex with you?” He asked looking down to his shoes.

“No! no Braiden you should know I’m not like that, instead he offered me, I said no to him but he kept on forcing me, I didn’t let anything happen. I got out his car and walked home.”

“He was right.” He whispered.

“Huh?” I asked confused. “He warned me you’d make up some lie, he was being nice and giving you a ride home Sam, why? Why would you want to sleep with him? To ruin mine and Connor’s friendship?” Braiden looked heartbroken but at the moment he had no idea that Connor was lying to him, why wouldn’t he believe me? Oh yeah because Connor has ‘proof’

“Braiden believe me! Please that recording he should you is fake, he said he would edit it or something.” I tried looking him in the eye but he refused to even look at my face.

“What recording Sam? Please don’t make up any other lies about him. I’m sorry but I can’t trust you anymore.” He walked past me just after whispering another sorry.

What had I ever done to Connor that made me deserve this?

On the way to class I spotted Michael, this was my chance I was going to make him talk to me.

“Michael wait! Michael stop!” I quickly ran towards him and grabbed his shoulder pulling him to the corner of the corridor.

“Please don’t ignore me Michael, I need to talk to you, I needfriend really badly.”

“Talk to Chandler” He said simply before moving away from me.

“She’s been acting weird. Come on Michael! If you’re ignoring me because of that stupid kiss then don’t, it was a mistake right? It didn’t mean anything so can we please out this awkwardness away?”

“You’re right it didn’t mean anything. The deals off Sam. I don’t need a tutor and you don’t seem to need a guide to make someone love you, you’ve clearly accomplished that.” He looked down at his shoes before walking ahead.

“Michael! What’s wrong with you? I said I need a friend, are you really going to be an ass and walk off while I ask for you’re help?!” I shouted.

“Samantha, Michael both of you in detention today, you’re suppose to be in class, not shouting in the corridors.” Our Math teacher shouted at both of us before we were rushed to our classes.

“Thanks for the detention.” Michael hissed before pushing his shoulder against mine while walking off which hurt pretty badly as I was shorter then him, either that or it was the pain that he didn’t want to talk to me.

The old Sam would have a flipped is she had earned a detention but this one didn’t care, she was going to use that time to make Michael talk to her, if he like it or not.

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